Right the wife is well over due 41 weeks pregnant very nearly 42.
We need some lowcost tips to set her on the way.
Thing Tried so far.
Rasberry leaf tea
So come on chaps ( espicailly those that have gone through this ) give us some ideas
Kind regards MR and MRs Agriv8
Good hard sex....seriously!! works for some
First and foremost CONGRATS!
Me and my wife are expecting our first, she is also overdue - PLUS 6 days and counting!!
All that you said is what I have heard - most effective is nookie according to the midwife we spoke to today - something to do with a hormone which
triggers it all off - i wont go into the gritty detail!
Other things to try is
Evening primrose oil tablets (we are getting some tomorrow)
Lavander oil (pure essential oil) - but go steady (essential oils get absorded straight into the blood stream - therefore reaches the baby too!) my
wife is a trained aromatheripist and even she was hesitant before jumping into a hot bath with a few drops in.
Hot curry
good luck to both of us
[Edited on 7/8/07 by Dangle_kt]
Originally posted by donut
Good hard sex....seriously!! works for some
Again as others have said "SEX". The sperm stimulates the cirvix, which could help induce labour.
The others you have mentioned are also what me and my wife heard helps.
Oh and I sure another one I heard is coconut or coconut milk. Maybe wrong on that one though. lol.
Go out and start working on your car, get halfway through an important job and i am sure you will get called in
Good luck.
The wife says birthing ball (Bouncing). Oh and reflexology.....
Centrifugal Birthing Device
[Edited on 7/8/07 by edspurrier]
Just been through the process about 4 weeks ago!
nothing really seems to work, but go with the sex as at least it's more fun than raspberry leaf tea!
Go to hospital !
Let the doctor help!
Thanks chaps and cappets Keep em comming
birthing ball Yup tried that at least an hour a day.
Tried a really hot chinese tonight.
Evening primrose oil tablets Mmmm will send her out to get some tomorow.
Trampoline MMM not sure she will be up for that one.
She has had a couple of membraine sweeps ( not pleasant ) but shes not really far enough on for it to assist.
Off for a walk ( read waddle ) arroud the village.
Will be geting induced on Thur but would prefer thing to get started of naturally.
Oh the working on the car Just suggested that and Trust me I cant quote the response or I might get reported to Fozzie .
Keep em comming.
Regards The Agriv8's
no tips here im afraid, but good luck and congrats!
Tell her you've ticked on an Aston Martin Vanquish, that should do the trick!
just tell her about the shopping list you sent us this afternoon
that ought to do the trick
Our local midwife swore by nipple stimulation (hers not yours). Thought she would have had it by now mate as you were ready to go at Newark and that seems like forever ago. Our first was an induced and it was the longest day of my life (chernoble blew up as well). I hadn't had anything to eat all day and was eating digestives and tea as she was pushing it out at 7pm ish (started at 8am). Good luck with the stimulation and all the best for the future.
Our first child is now 4 months and one week old. She was induced two weeks and two days overdue and my wife had to be put on a drip of the fluid to
get things moving.
We tried sex, curry, pinapple, walks stimulating nipples etc. and one to add to the list is garlic - something to do with it being strong so
stimulating the baby.
We were so sure that she wasn't ready to come out that we went for a long drive from Chorley to MK and back to pick up a fuel tank at 10 days
Has anyone else whose baby was well overdue found that their's is very strong willed. Ours is already a right little madam with such a stong
character, we wouldn't change her for the world!
does the wife have a date for beimg induced. same thing happened with my wife with my son who was the same amount overdue. she woke me up a 1am on the
day she was meant to go in and it was panic stations and all hands to the pumpi think it was the fear of being induced that did the trick!!! oh and
by the way we tried all the tricks sex etc
and congratulations all the best
oh and we are due another baby on january 1st 2008
[Edited on 7/8/07 by davie h]
A ride round the block on an old British motorbike! that nearly made me give birth,bloody brake and gear lever are the wrong way round
Best wishes
Firstly Congragulations.
Sencondly, leave Him/Her In there.
Once out you will not get much time for your seven.
I've not had time to get my car back on the road since no 2 born, and she's now 1.
My eldest was 2 weeks late and was born on my first saturday night off for 6 months. We tried all off the above and nothing worked. He is 17 now and
is still late for everything
Good Luck to you both and the bump.
Let OX take here for a few drifting lessons in his MK!
Nearly made something come out of me!!
heard the breast story before - supposed to work (mates mum was a midwife).
Good luck and congratulations!
Both our's were overdue (10 days and 7 days)... sex brought them both on, both times!
I took mrs bob out for a meal the night before devil child from hell was born, she had lasagne and a white wine spritzer which i must add was the only
alchahol she drank during the 9 months.
Did the trick as the little shi# was born 12.24 pm the next day, luckily this meant i was back home for the spurs game which we unfortunatly lost 2-0.
I also must add he isnt that bad, but he has like most kids during the summer hols been very testing today.
good luck and enjoy
Originally posted by speedyxjs
Originally posted by donut
Good hard sex....seriously!! works for some
I heard that too
Well thanks Once again,
I am at work so you can guess there was no movement last night apart from a few squeaks from the bed springs
Marc re parts ordered I want to enduce labour not a divorce
Thought about taking her out in the kit car ( but A its off the road awaitng me to finish the upgrade to cortina front end. B getting her out again
would envolve assembling the engine hoist ).
Well if nothing else they start with the drugs tomorow will keep you all posted.
PS the Nip stimulation this had us in fits of gigles last night you trying to talk to someone while they are playing with the nipples ( gave us a good
laugh anyway ).
When I saw the title of:
Serious OT - Bringing on Labour
I thought it was going to be a Political RANT.
Phew... thank God it was about SEX and its results!.
Stimulation of the cervix helps ripen it (as do the prostaglandins secreted by sperm). A nice hot curry helps get those contractions going.
So manual stimulation of the cervix can do the trick (in fact, sometimes the digital examination @ 41 weeks to decide whether to induce can trigger it
off). Intercourse can do the same thing especially as the cervix is pushed downwards by the pregnant uterus (ie so the cervix is stimulated more
during intercourse than outside of pregnancy).
Intercourse helps partially by just stimulating the cervix. A lot of couples have the nookie but use condoms (cos they think it's icky not to
when their baby is about to come out through the same orifice) but then the full benefit of intercourse is lost.
At the end of the day babies come out when they're good and ready. Any time after 38 weeks is just fine.
But having lots of sex and eating a spicy hot curry everynight is surely a nice way of spending the time whilst you wait
Hope it all goes well!!!
It took 9 months for the first session to work, why should another be any more effective?
Congratulations and try decorating.
Originally posted by BenB
Stimulation of the cervix helps ripen it (as do the prostaglandins secreted by sperm).
Wiffey has just been to the local health food shop. explained the situation, they have given her some Rasberry leaf capsuels ( that are supposed to
have more of the stuff in that does the triggereing than the tea ! ).
She double checked with the a coleague that these were OK.
2 to be taken after food.
Have just requested an early finish from the boss to go home and try more bedroom action .
Lauged his socks of and asked what I like 'the reason for emergency leave to be recorded as'
Acute prostaglandin-dependant cervico-penile stimulation
(for medicinal purposes only)
Looks good but could we leave the Acute out at the beging.
Makes it sound like one is under endowed if you get me meaning.
Just an update.
As you can see the midwifes did the stuff at 14:00 and 05:27 this my little boy popped out.
9lb 10oz so mrs Agriv8 is a little on the sore side
Mrs Agriv8 and baby Agriv8 are doing fine.
PS who needs sleep !!!!
Baby Agriv8
Congrats to you and Mrs Agriv8! Looks like a good healthy lad you have there.
Aw cute!
Vigorous sex seemed to work for me, I did it and by the time I got home again the next door neighbour had taken her to hospital!
Well done And congrats to you both. Whens the car up for sale.
congratulations and well done.
he's a big boy and as for sleep get some when he does
Congrats mate.
I started reading through this and it's all wrong - this is a car forum!
Pat ;-)
My wife still hasn't given birth - thought it has all started the other night, but it didn't progress - so she is going nuts.
Tuesday is when they start her off, so she is desperate to go before then....guess I better head upstairs then.... *GIGGIDY GIGGIDY GOOOO!*
Originally posted by Dangle_kt
My wife still hasn't given birth - thought it has all started the other night, but it didn't progress - so she is going nuts.
Tuesday is when they start her off, so she is desperate to go before then....guess I better head upstairs then.... *GIGGIDY GIGGIDY GOOOO!*
Originally posted by Dangle_kt
My wife still hasn't given birth - thought it has all started the other night, but it didn't progress - so she is going nuts.