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Recommend a fabricator
jimgiblett - 1/4/07 at 10:07 AM

My son's baseball club desperately needs one of these.

Portable Baseball Backstop
Portable Baseball Backstop

They are available in the US but not in the UK and shipping is extortionate.

Can anyone help they have a budget of approx £1,000.

U2U or email me on



[Edited on 1/4/07 by jimgiblett]

iank - 1/4/07 at 10:12 AM

Portable Baseball Backstop
Portable Baseball Backstop

jimgiblett - 1/4/07 at 10:15 AM

Thanks iank. I couldn't remember how to load the pic.

froggy - 1/4/07 at 01:09 PM

how about using some building site security fencing,it comes in 12' long by 6' high and joins together with bolt to gether clamps so the only fab rication would be for the triangle shaped side pieces to stiffen it up. you can get new sections for around £40 a panel

jimgiblett - 1/4/07 at 08:26 PM

Originally posted by froggy
how about using some building site security fencing,it comes in 12' long by 6' high and joins together with bolt to gether clamps so the only fab rication would be for the triangle shaped side pieces to stiffen it up. you can get new sections for around £40 a panel

That sounds like an excellent idea. But I have been searching for a supplier and they all seem to be with bars rather than chain link. Do you know contact?



oadamo - 1/4/07 at 08:31 PM

Originally posted by jimgiblett
My son's baseball club desperately needs one of these.

Portable Baseball Backstop
Portable Baseball Backstop

They are available in the US but not in the UK and shipping is extortionate.

Can anyone help they have a budget of approx £1,000.

U2U or email me on



[Edited on 1/4/07 by jimgiblett]

if you have a drawing so somthing i could quote you the job but i dont no how much it will be what finish are you after

jimgiblett - 1/4/07 at 08:46 PM

if you have a drawing so somthing i could quote you the job but i dont no how much it will be what finish are you after

Its basically as per the picture. Each square is 5" so in the picture you can see 7 rectangles (consisting of two squares) and two triangles. The angles of the wings are 30 degrees or 150 degrees on the inside. The cage will be outside a lot so galvanised would be best but may consider other corrosion resisting coating.



oadamo - 1/4/07 at 08:58 PM

do you want the trolley thing with it to move it about or just a stand alone unit.

jimgiblett - 1/4/07 at 09:33 PM

The trolley will be needed but depends on how much it is going to all add up to. Might just use a modified sack truck.

- Jim

[Edited on 1/4/07 by jimgiblett]

oadamo - 1/4/07 at 09:46 PM

ill get back to you tomorrow with a quote prob about 5 o clock after i finish work

jimgiblett - 1/4/07 at 11:03 PM
