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chrisg - 29/6/03 at 07:12 PM

We're talking automotive prejudice - which cars do you hate and why?

I'll start us off

Anything "max power"
Why? It's the emperors new clothes thing, you know.

Lad in car thinks"wow, how cool do I look"
Everyone else thinks" what a twat". no, really, they do.

Ford Ka
Why? just look at the thing. Is it a novelty teapot or a partially inflated beach ball?

Trying to be "cute" for the sake of it. ought to come with a balaclava.

Every new car

Bit of a sweeping statement that one, but really, did I miss a meeting, who sacked all the car stylists?

For Example, gentlemen I give you the New Megane. I'm sure they were after "head turning" but they ended up with "stomach Turning"

I can just imagine the "Ad"men going
" well ,lets draw attention to the back end with the ads, then it'll look like we meant it"

What are yours, the more irrational the better?



Metal Hippy - 29/6/03 at 07:24 PM


Seriously though...

The new Mini.

Should be called the Fatty.

Blatently misses the point of the original.

I'm all for German over-engineering, but not when it totally changes an icon....

andyps - 29/6/03 at 08:52 PM

Currently - all Ferraris, because if the only way they can win on the race track is to cheat, how can we be sure the raod cars are any good? (be nice to have the ability to try one though!)

stephen_gusterson - 29/6/03 at 09:14 PM

hey chris!

I hired a Ka once on hol and it was quite fun. But then most cars are on hol.

Except the vitara I had 2 years back. Worst POC I ever drove.

The Megane, well, my wife has a 3 month old one on the drive.

Once you get used to the 'my bum DOES look big in this looks, it goes and handles quite well. 115hp from a 1.6, and 205 wide 16 ins tyres.

Its half the price of my 318 beemer and just about as good on the road.

Now the beetle - what kinda car has a vase for flowers in!

As for useless accessories - coloured tyre valve caps and aero fuel caps - on a peugeot 106?

for me, gold plated fuses and megawat car stereos are right at the top of the total wally list.



Jon Ison - 29/6/03 at 09:15 PM

any car with a caravan attached.......been here B4 aint we ?

Mark Allanson - 29/6/03 at 09:23 PM

I would have thought the wally box menace would be fairly tame in Chesterfield, you want to try living down here!

The cars I hate is anything pretending to be what it isn't..
.. japanese shite pretending to be BMW's, the copying is good but they never quite cut it
.. replica kit cars such as the Ferrari copies, again they look OK from 30 yards away, but up close they are usually badly finished and crude
.. Lotus 7 copies........oops!

paulbeyer - 29/6/03 at 09:25 PM

Originally posted by Jon Ison
any car with a caravan attached.......been here B4 aint we ?

I have a long memory Mr Ison, my time will come.

Alan B - 29/6/03 at 09:42 PM

For me it not so much particular cars, more the so called fashionable trends I see round here (maybe UK too?)

SUVs and pickups fitted with ultra-low profile tyres and the lowered to F1 type ground clearance......why?...if you wanted a track car why buy a f*****g truck?

Clear lights.....again why?...IMO they look awful...

Neon lights on the side lighting the road, lit washer jets, ..why?, why?. why?

Huge chromed wheels....really tacky....

and last but not least.....a 1.5" exhaust system that ends up with 4" tailpipe....

I guess nobody ever went out of business underestimating the amout of knobs there are out there who will buy this kind of shite...

stephen_gusterson - 29/6/03 at 10:07 PM

Originally posted by Mark Allanson
.. replica kit cars such as the Ferrari copies, again they look OK from 30 yards away, but up close they are usually badly finished and crude
.. Lotus 7 copies........oops!

Ferrari reps looking crude!

You should have seen the replicas at Newark. Im not a Ferrari expert, but those, the GT40 and the lambos were bloody excellent!

The ferraris even had (in one case) numberplates issued by a ferrari dealer - lots of attention to detail. Rescued attachment ferraris.jpg
Rescued attachment ferraris.jpg

stephen_gusterson - 29/6/03 at 10:08 PM

Rescued attachment gt40.jpg
Rescued attachment gt40.jpg

chrisg - 29/6/03 at 10:17 PM

No thread hyjack Mr Gusterson!

And as for the Megane......

It is a new bench mark for very ugly indeed........

Saw the new Scenic in France. Oh my god.

It's always been a pointless car, I mean a massive body and no more seats than a micra, but now it's hideous, pointless car.

Who buys a people carrier that DOSEN'T CARRY ANYMORE PEOPLE?



Wadders - 29/6/03 at 10:36 PM

Pleece cars, specially them with no markings, underhand, sneaky and downright not fair

bob - 29/6/03 at 10:51 PM

BMW's well maybe not the cars but the drivers,they seem to have this thing about being at the front whereever the front is.

Lotus elize/MX5's/MGF's are ok new as the hairdresser that owns it is normally a sort,but when they get older they are more affordable to the uglier fatter peroxide hairdresser.
I know i'm being critical here but hey its the truth,i've wasted a lot of time turning my head only to be eyeball to eyeball with a very insecure bloke or avery ugly hairdresser.

All MPV's and 4x4's doing the school run which is obviously what they were designed for,well the 4x4's anyhow.

[Edited on 29/6/03 by bob]

Noodle - 30/6/03 at 06:55 AM

Using the word 'sports' in advertisements. What the hell does that mean? Croquet?

Anything front wheel drive. It's that simple. Wrap these motors up and sell 'em any way you like, spend billions on R&D, marketing and the BTCC, but they still won't powerslide.

Just to prove I'm not that prejudiced, the Subaru Justy is a God-awful POS.

David Jenkins - 30/6/03 at 07:54 AM

Originally posted by Noodle
Anything front wheel drive. It's that simple. Wrap these motors up and sell 'em any way you like, spend billions on R&D, marketing and the BTCC, but they still won't powerslide.

And very few FWD cars have gearchanges that get anywhere near those found on RWD cars, even the cheaper ones. For example, in my early driving days I drove a Ford Anglia (just like in Harry Potter!) which had a delightful gearchange... even if the ratios were useless...

You really can't beat having a gearstick straight off the box.


andyps - 30/6/03 at 08:20 AM

The BMW X5 has to be top of my list - ugly as hell in my view, not really any good off road (buy a Disco if thats what you want) and not good enough on road (buy a 5 series estate for that) - totally pointless car. Lots of people with more money than taste seem to disagree with me though!

stephen_gusterson - 30/6/03 at 08:40 AM

No thread hyjacking mr gibbs.

Just a chance to show some nice piccies!

When I first saw the megane I thought what a stupid looking car with all the luggage space chopped off by the stylists.

The 3 door - which we have - looks a bit better - and I have come to quite like the styling - however the load space is still shagged due to the 'bum' styling chopping about a foot out of the boot, unless you want to put things 300mm high in there.

The old megane was great for space - even crammed 2 8x4 sheets of steel in there once. Id get shot for doing than now



kingr - 30/6/03 at 09:25 AM

What was the name of the club with all the GT40s and Ferraris? The "If I was a lot richer I'd have a small penis" club? Not the most amusing club though - that's taken by the locust enthusiasts club, as if it's not bad enough owning one, you have to be enthusiastic about it too!!!

I can't think of a single SUV that doesn't annoy me, and they seem to get bigger and bigger all the time. It seems a very selfish attitude, "I want me and my children to be safe, how can I do this, well, either I can drive a car that's well designed and has plenty of crumple zones, air bags etc, or I can just get the heaviest car on earth, use more petrol than a cross channel ferry, and totally maim anything else that I drive into, oh, and I think I'll get it with bull bars too, that way I'll be able to drive like a totally moron with little risk to myself or my children."

I feel better now. Who else can I offend?


[Edited on 30/6/03 by kingr]

Peteff - 30/6/03 at 09:54 AM

I don't like cars any more, I only like vans, and I pull a caravan with my Nissan Vanette. It'll only do 50 with or without the trailer. I do my best to let anyone go if they look like they are in a hurry. I hate Honda cars cos they are always driven by old farts in trilbys doing 37mph. That's why they never break down.

yours, Pete.

kingr - 30/6/03 at 10:01 AM

I think all the honda old folks round here must be more insane than the ones round your way, they always do 40 here.


stephen_gusterson - 30/6/03 at 10:12 AM

The club with the ferraris and stuff was called summat like :

"The italian sportscar replica' club.

I wonder. How many people build a locost due to its simpicity of build - and how many would build a ferrari instead if it was as easy and only '250 quid'.

Id be a ferrari man, and there isnt anything wrong with my knob, and I dont like schumacher.



ned - 30/6/03 at 10:14 AM

the new porsche suv/4x4 why? it's horrible and looks wrong.

anyone travelling slower than I want to be going....


kingr - 30/6/03 at 10:39 AM

Originally posted by stephen_gusterson
The club with the ferraris and stuff was called summat like :

"The italian sportscar replica' club.

The GT40 being a fine example of Italian Engineering.

I think it's hilarious how Ford decides to build a car to show how much further on they are now in the new millenium and how all American they are, and what do they choose, an old car, based on a British design, due to be built by, it would seem, everyone except Ford (I think 6 sub contracts was the last count), ah well, maybe they get the joke too, and the last laugh will be on them when they sell shed loads of them at £100,000 a pop to over rich grey heads.


David Jenkins - 30/6/03 at 10:41 AM

Originally posted by kingr
I think all the honda old folks round here must be more insane than the ones round your way, they always do 40 here.


It's Nissan Micras round East Anglia - the modern pensioner's substitute for the Metro.

The majority of Micras here are occupied by 'flat hats' and 'cauliflower heads'.


kingr - 30/6/03 at 11:29 AM

Citroen C3s seem an up and coming trend among the blue rinse brigade round here, either them or Corsa 1.1s. While we're on the subject of hideous small cars, the micra was never famed for it's good looks, but they seem to have borrowed Subaru's ugly stick during the design phase of the new one, and frankly, if any car of mine said "Hello Happy" to me when I started it up, it wouldn't last very long. I wonder whether you can hack it to say what you like, how about "I suck" or "Get a better car", you could have some real fun during the test drive with one, hehehe!


Alan B - 30/6/03 at 12:20 PM

Back to SUV bashing.....

Over here (you may have it too) we have TV ad for a Volvo SUV...really annoys me going on about their roll stability system or whatever...does stuff that allows you to change lanes at 90 without flipping the POS.......

What is wrong the basic physics?....

Lower the f*****g centre of gravity you idiots.....why do you need 12" of ground clearance for the school run?

Why not design vehicles that are inherently stable and safe rather than build in autopilots and nanny features????

timf - 30/6/03 at 12:47 PM

Originally posted by Alan B
Over here (you may have it too) we have TV ad for a Volvo SUV...really annoys me going on about their roll stability system or whatever...does stuff that allows you to change lanes at 90 without flipping the POS.......

What is wrong the basic physics?....

Lower the f*****g centre of gravity you idiots.....

merc A class mean anything over in the states. or was it only in europe the went tits up at a lane change over 30mph

not that volvo would take the p out of merc at all.

ps i have a jeep 4x4 but i use it for a tow car and use it off road so may i be excluded from the blanket 4x4 bashing. Ta

Alan B - 30/6/03 at 12:55 PM

Hey Tim,

I have no problem with proper use of, towing etc....I have one myself for towing trailers......

Unnecessary use, and driving them like a track car is my gripe...

"A" class...yes I am familiar though they aren't available here...I follow auto news both sides of the pond..

timf - 30/6/03 at 01:31 PM

probably just a well given the nature of the us legal system added to that they are crap

ok i've decied my prejudice is 'a' class mercs because they are to small to use properly, i mean have you seen the size of the boot.

stephen_gusterson - 30/6/03 at 02:12 PM

what is it with americans and pick up trucks?

Like - what are you gonna put in it that needs a flatbed for a daily driver?

A dead deer?

Your best girl, for a shag, after a romantic evening for 2 at mcdonalds?

Yourself, for sleeping purposes, when wife has caught you with best girl, in mcdonalds.

Your locost, taking it to SVA.



bob - 30/6/03 at 02:16 PM

Ah !! just thought of another car thats getting on my nerves CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG .The idiots at the DVLA have used this car in recent TV and radio adverts to dtop people cheating the road fund licence,problem is CHITTY is TAX EXEMPT

kingr - 30/6/03 at 02:17 PM

Originally posted by stephen_gusterson
Your locost, taking it to SVA.

Well, it beats putting it in a van (see other post). Of course over here having a pickup is even more dubious, given that the only reason people buy them is as a tax dodge, because the've got a load area and therefore have reduced tax. Worse than an SUV in a way.


Alan B - 30/6/03 at 02:33 PM

Originally posted by stephen_gusterson
what is it with americans and pick up trucks?

It beats me Steve..

Especially when 90% of them carry absolutely f**k all 99% of the time....

I used to think it was because they were cheaper....but not so...some are quite expensive....

The best selling vehicle in the US (including cars, trucks, SUVs) is the Ford F150 pick up........which is definitely no bargain.....

timf - 30/6/03 at 03:16 PM

Originally posted by stephen_gusterson
what is it with americans and pick up trucks?

something to do with pickup truck coming fitted with gun racks .

i saw the most ott pickup in texas when i was over there a couple of years ago
complete with browning machine gun mounted on the pickup truck bed. obviously used for home defense...

Simon - 30/6/03 at 04:15 PM

What's this nonsense about german engineering. It ALL HYPE.

(Notso) Smart car fell over during moose test!
A Class fell over during moose test
(incidentally both cars had same designer)!
Audi TT fell over at speed resulting in retro fit rear spoiler and suspension mods

And a merc went pop during yesterday's Grand Pricks

Alan B

I think if you need to have 12" of ground clearance or you'd end up beached, if you ran over a disproportionately wide person:-)

I hate the bloke that overtook me yesterday (driving a Fiat turbo thing ugly as poo like his girlfriend) in a 30 then got 50 yds in front and stuck behind a queue of traffic. HAHAHAHAHA. Tssr!

Concur with new Mini. Twice the size of the proper car, with less rear leg room. That's German thinking.

Good cars are only made in one country. This one!!

Apart from RR, which is a german kit car

That should riffle a few feathers:-)



PS Wife's car is French, and I am NEVER EVER having another foreign car again. P of S!

stephen_gusterson - 30/6/03 at 04:29 PM


not as tuff as they look

sport4x4 indeed!



chrisg - 30/6/03 at 06:19 PM

Some good ones there gents, I'm with David J and kingr re the citroen C3/micra, if they were women you'd have to say they had a "nice personality".



Noodle - 30/6/03 at 07:40 PM

citroen C3/micra, if they were women you'd have to say they had a "nice personality

If they were women, they might have the saving grace to be really dirty. These cars have 1 lb/ft of torque between them so you know they're not!

Findlay234 - 1/7/03 at 07:52 AM

Originally posted by stephen_gusterson

not as tuff as they look

He probably had an oil tanker run into him and only sustained that minimal damage....................... or his wife bent it round a tree?????

kingr - 1/7/03 at 08:15 AM

Weird thing about that photo is that there doesn't seem to be any body work crumples, it just seems to have fallen apart in the middle. Maybe they drove it down some stairs or something.

Hmmm, thinking about it that could be a "dangerous new trend" - urban off road, you could have a competition to see who can drive their car to the most inaccesible place, double points if you don't need a helicopter to get it back out.

Think it'll catch on?


Peteff - 1/7/03 at 09:30 AM

Shorten the chassis to the end of the cab and dump the pickup bed it would be a normal looking vehicle, bit like a Shogun or something, might drive better as well.

yours, Pete.

kiwirex - 2/7/03 at 09:22 AM

> which cars do you hate and why?

New beetle and the new mini

Why ?

'cos they're both flaming rip-offs of a brilliant original piece of genius without the flair or character of the original.

Particularly the new beetle - Front Wheel Drive!!! slackers.

Look at how long the originals ran (apparently the beetle factory in Mexico is closing down shortly +/- months).

Wonder how long the 'new' ones will be in production for.

- Greg H

gjn200 - 3/7/03 at 09:22 PM

There's a new mini near me with a union jack on the roof, wtf? oh and one with GT stripes.

Jon Ison - 3/7/03 at 09:28 PM

does it tow a caravan ??? doh !!!!!!!!!!