ooooh, just discovered an interesting effect.
If you let your eyes unfocus onto a pc keyboard, head about 1 ft away at 30 degrees, you can get the stereogram effect .... the keys seem to be more
3-D than in real life!
Has something to do with a repeating sequence of images that build up a picture that the brain interprets as 3-D.
here is exmaple of a stereogram below: (it needs to be in a fixed spacing font, e.g courier; not sure if the tags are working in this post)
cool, it reminds me of the credits for the matrix films you know the green on black streaming writing
the keyboard one is cool too
I'll have a toot on that after you mate
Has someone been using contact adhesive without proper ventilation again??!?!?
Never could do those stereogram things. Only time I came near I was so wasted I think I was actually hallucinating!!
I can't even do those magic eye picture things, all my mates are saying "oooooh look its a dolphin" or something and i'm thinking bo11ocks its just a load of squiggles, crap!
Same here, never once been able to see anything at all. Just a load of squiggles and funny shapes. Doesn't help that I'm half way blind!
There was a big crowd around a window of a shop in Chester once, ooh's and aaarh's emenating from the crowd - couldn't see a damn
Wow that's cool!! You can do it to different levels too. I had my eyes three patterns (keys) apart - i.e. one eye looking at G and one at K,
with the brain merging the images. Makes the keys look very big and further away!
HERE is one I made myself.
Cross your eyes so that both images are aligned.
YES! That definately hurts your eyes.
My keyboard is 3D anyway, 'cos I can't afford a new flat one.
Get me a medic!
My eyes are pointing in wards!
Originally posted by RoadkillUK
HERE is one I made myself.
Cross your eyes so that both images are aligned.
Rescued attachment drunk1.jpg
I have no idea what you are talking about
Click on Lees (RoadKill) 'HERE' link, you will see 2 pictures side by side, focus your eyes on the line where they meet side by side
(middle) relax your eyes, and a picture will merge in the centre of the 'pictures' of the room in 3D........
HTH Fozzie
I have no idea what Thunderace's picture is all about, can't see a 3D image there myself!
How the hell do you do roadkills?! the images are way too far apart for one of my eyes to look at one and the other eye to look at the other. The
distance (on my 19" monitor) is greater than the separation of my eyes and they can't seem to cope with that (like focusing beyond
[Edited on 20/11/06 by Liam]
Liam, focus on the join in the middle, ie where the 2 pictures meet, relax your eyes so everything is out of focus, then slowly bring your eyes back
into focus (without blinking), and a third picture will appear in the centre of the room in 3D.........
Haven't touched a drop...honest......
Hmmmm yeah i know the theory and can always do the normal ones of these, but on this one the spacing of the repeat is just too far apart for my eyes
to move so that my left is looking at the left pic and my right is looking at the right pic!
Almost had it then!! if i reduce the pics to about 75% in photoshop i'll have it!!
RoadkillUK - what spacing did you use to get that much 3D effect? I've tried that before, without much success at all...
And, for those still having trouble seeing the 3D effect, sit back about 3' from your monitor, hold your finger up 7-8" in front of your
face (with the monitor's photos in the background), and focus on your finger. Suddenly the photos in the background will seem to overlap exactly
- take your finger away while concentrating on the photos, and there it is! Crystal clear, amazing 3D. (I used to do stereo air photo interpretation
for the government here, so I'm used to it).
Originally posted by zetec7
RoadkillUK - what spacing did you use to get that much 3D effect? I've tried that before, without much success at all...
And, for those still having trouble seeing the 3D effect, sit back about 3' from your monitor, hold your finger up 7-8" in front of your face (with the monitor's photos in the background), and focus on your finger. Suddenly the photos in the background will seem to overlap exactly - take your finger away while concentrating on the photos, and there it is! Crystal clear, amazing 3D. (I used to do stereo air photo interpretation for the government here, so I'm used to it).![]()
those stero images - invented by the Victorians; you can buy old postcards that fit into a holder and then stare at them./
the sterograms are different in that the two images are merged into one and by letting your eyes hang loose - usually they point slightly inwards you
can get the 3 D effect.
The ascii that I posted needs to be displayed in a fixed font so it appears in a rectangle - if you look at it, you will see three squares of
inscreasing size with the smallest on top all floating above each other - well worth the effort and not that hard to achieve.
I can do Lee's fine if i make the pics smaller in photoshop! My eyes can't seem to move further apart than straight ahead which they need
to, to do that stereogram as it displays on my monitor. Can your eyes move further apart than that then? Or is your display just smaller?
EDIT: Yay! Or if i just whack my res up to 1600x1200 they are small enough too!
[Edited on 21/11/06 by Liam]
it is not working with my super-eyes either!!!!
probably i'm to stupid or......... to smart to see
Hehe, dunno about the distance, but I reckon that a little more than the distance between your eyes.
Was gonna do one of the car too but I don't have a camera any more and the car is never really in a photographic condition