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check out this picture
mangogrooveworkshop - 5/11/06 at 03:41 PM

Look very closely Rescued attachment Camels1.jpg
Rescued attachment Camels1.jpg

ruskino80 - 5/11/06 at 04:17 PM

cool yet looks hot!

JackNco - 5/11/06 at 04:42 PM

wow that looks awesome!

akumabito - 5/11/06 at 05:01 PM

Got a link to the original picture? The white text screwed it all up!

Peteff - 5/11/06 at 05:17 PM

But without the writing you don't know why it's a good picture. Rescued attachment Camels1.jpg
Rescued attachment Camels1.jpg

ed_crouch - 5/11/06 at 07:54 PM





So we're talking about nostrils?

Peteff - 5/11/06 at 08:30 PM

It just looks like camel silhouettes till you know how the picture was taken. Camel appreciation is an acquired taste, it's a picture of camels in a desert taken from above and as a trompe l'oeil it has it's merits but other than that I see nothing remarkable about it. I agree that the white writing spoiled the effect as it threw the perspective out, only having one good eye since a very early age due to nerve damage and not seeing detail in such a binocular way as some.

skydivepaul - 5/11/06 at 11:18 PM

I like it. cool photo

splitrivet - 6/11/06 at 10:31 AM

Its fake..............................I cant see an Icecream van anywhere.