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Brick BBQ plans
locoboy - 27/10/06 at 09:11 PM

Hi Guys,

Just moved house and am determined to have a brick BBQ for next summer.

Is there an internet wide ban on offering brick BBQ plans

I cant seem to find any at all

Anyone got any ideas or Links?

[Edited on 27/10/06 by locoboy]

Snuggs - 27/10/06 at 09:14 PM

MattCraneCustoms - 27/10/06 at 09:15 PM

I'd have thought a locoster, with all his engineering ingenuity, wouldn't need plans for a brick BBQ? Just get some bricks to form a U shape, make a 'tub' out of some steel sheet for the coals, and some wire mesh above this on top of the bricks. Jobs a good un

ruskino80 - 27/10/06 at 09:34 PM

allready looking forward to next summer -apparently it will be on a wednesday

Confused but excited. - 27/10/06 at 09:39 PM

The best one I have seen is in a Readers Digest DIY manual that I bought for a quid in a charity shop. If I can find and you still want it, I will photo copy it and post to you. I will U2U when found.

Chippy - 27/10/06 at 09:45 PM


-apparently it will be on a wednesday

Actualy it's only in the morning, to be in keeping, "Pi****g with rain in the afternoon", so forget the BBQ Ray

ruskino80 - 27/10/06 at 09:46 PM

stevetzoid - 27/10/06 at 09:51 PM

Try this site, we got one from there and it's brilliant.
Regards Steve Evans.

Peteff - 27/10/06 at 10:09 PM

building a bbq and hit google the web, 4,100,000 hits should get you something to work from.

locoboy - 27/10/06 at 10:11 PM

Originally posted by Snuggs

Thats great thanks, thats the sort of thing im looking for.

I know what sort of thing i want to achieve and I can be quite resourcefull when i need to be but having never 'laid' a brick i am after some direction!

jdgar - 28/10/06 at 12:16 AM

I know that this is not brick--and I really like brick grills, but where I come from-if it doesn't smoke it ain't BBQ. Most people that are good with working large chunks of metal make brick bases with a heavy metal insert. Usually made from oilfield casing or other suitable sized tubing. The best grill/smokers are made in a small town where I work. See:

dl_peabody - 28/10/06 at 09:30 AM


never 'laid' a brick i am after some direction!

Stick with birds....more statisfying and easier on the tools.

[Edited on 28/10/06 by dl_peabody]

Dazza - 29/10/06 at 11:25 AM

i got the tray, grill, holders etc including the plans for the brick bit, from argos, about £20 i think............. bricks and muck not included of course......

pic attached. lol Rescued attachment 10062006208.jpg
Rescued attachment 10062006208.jpg