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New digital camera
chrisg - 27/3/06 at 04:52 PM

Hey Up.

I need a new digital camera, the one I've got takes etchings.

I need one that will produce photo's of a quality that will print a 300dpi for publication.

Do I need a digital SLR or one o' them superzoom thingies.

Words of one syllable or less please, I've got no idea!



Wadders - 27/3/06 at 05:13 PM

You got u2u

Humbug - 27/3/06 at 05:18 PM

Originally posted by Wadders
You got u2u

"u2u" has got more than one syllable

chockymonster - 27/3/06 at 07:10 PM


I use a canon EOS 300D, it's a cracking D-SLR that will do high quality print images. I've had a few of my trackday shots used in calendars. It's been superceeded by the 350 which is even better.

Being a DSLR you get instant shots and can pull of some pretty alright pics with it! Rescued attachment t27.jpg
Rescued attachment t27.jpg

Hellfire - 27/3/06 at 08:30 PM

Depends what you want - I now have a Fuji F10 6MP voted best "point and shoot" camera of the year 2005 and got it for less than £250.

I would like a decent digi-SLR but my pockets are not that deep yet - but there is a guy that needs an upgrade soon eh Tony???? for which first refusal I'd like to place now!

shortie - 27/3/06 at 08:46 PM

I have an Canon EOS350D which I reckon is excellent.


romer - 27/3/06 at 08:55 PM

Just to help try redress the balance - I've got a Nikon D70. Was about £700 this time last year so if you can find one they should be going for a song now. IIRC they were voted best DSLR in one of last years mags.

Absolute peaches they are and IMHO are far more robust and solidly built than the equivalent(sp?) Canons.


olv - 27/3/06 at 09:55 PM

I very recently got a Digital SLR, a Canon 10D, bargain off ebay. I'm loving it. If you've got the time and money to invest in a dslr then i so go for it.

Only thing with DSLRs is that they take a bit more work post processing, i.e. photshop work, to get the most out of your images, so you need to be prepared to spend some time playing with images.

However, DSLRs arn't for everyone and if you want simplicity with good results then the Canon Powershot range is excellent.