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What date's the war starting?
Rorty - 27/2/03 at 06:02 AM

Anyone care to guess what date Gulf War II will start on?
Rescued attachment coming_attraction.jpg
Rescued attachment coming_attraction.jpg

theconrodkid - 27/2/03 at 09:16 AM

blah got a good slapping by his own party yesterday,me thinks he may be going on his ownps is saddam pregnant?

scutter - 27/2/03 at 09:53 AM

Couldn't possibly comment


James - 27/2/03 at 01:20 PM

Unfortunately I can't vote as I've no idea the dates of any of those events! I'm so ignorant I haven't even heard of 'The Ides of March'!

But anyway, anyone who thinks Bush and Blair have gone to all the effort of shipping 200,000 men out there and they're just gonna turn round and go home is kidding themselves!

What is a time limiting matter in all this is the weather- summer in Iraq is rapidly oncoming and within a couple of months it'll be too hot to move for most of the day! For a start the brits will have melted boots when that happens so they'll be going nowhere fast!

Anyway, my betting was always mid-March but P&O (or whoever it is- coz we can't afford our own bl$%dy transport ships) won't have got our tanks there till then and as for some reason it then takes a week to fit some poxy air filters (can't they be done on the ship???) it's gotta be late March.

Anyway, late March is my betting but with preliminary air strikes (under the pretext of the old 'no-fly zone' UN resolutions) starting soon to clear the way.

Anyway, for those that also don't know what 'The Ides of March' is I thought I should find out!



johnston - 28/2/03 at 02:21 PM

i thought it had started already on tol