dont try this at home but it seemed to work for this guy I saw.
driving past a cam - the type that has a sensor cut into the road as a loop - the guy 2 cars in front was slow, so twat boy in front of me overtakes
in a 30 zone, lots of parked cars.
I actually wanted the cam to get him.
However, it didnt. I recon that the sensor only works on the side of the road the cam is facing. I know there are sensors on the other side BEHIND the
cam so it can get the next car that speeds past from the other direction, but of course by then its gone by on the other side of the road.
So, perhaps if you speed on the wrong side of the road and miss the loop you get away with it.
Or was he doing 29.99 mph as he passed that point.
anyone wanna test this out ?
There is a section of the A30 between Hayle and Camborne called the Big Dipper. It comprises about 1/2 a mile downhill section of 3 track road
(priority up hill) followed by 1/2 mile uphill (again up hill).
The **** have just fitted gatzo's on the down hill sections from both sides over two lanes so the uphill inside lanes are not covered by the big
ruler markings.
The other day a smoothie in a big silver new merc was overtaking me giong north, as we entered the getcha zone we both anchored up for the cameras,
once passed we both floored it, now approaching the next markings, me OK in the inside lane and matey, the phone in one hand and a cigar in the other,
in the outside lane. I got to 90 in the safe inside lane and Herman now doing 100+ hit the markings NO FLASH!
Do the cameras only get you from behind or are they not wired up?
of course the flash on the "Truvelo" boxes is infra-red and not visible, is it one of those?
Do the cameras only get you from behind
They can ONLY get you from behind as far as I know,which isn't very!
Originally posted by chrisg
of course the flash on the "Truvelo" boxes is infra-red and not visible, is it one of those?
I see some wag in the freebee paper this weekend reckons that the £2000 reward for blowing up that camera on the 604 should be given to the
Hear Hear I say.
Good article just a shame that the author hasn't the b*lls to reveal themselves.
[Edited on 16/2/03 by jollygreengiant]
[Edited on 16/2/03 by jollygreengiant]
anyone got a link to that site that is devoted to smashin the iccle buggers up ?
Came past the the ones on the Cambridge bound carriageway of the A14 between Huntingdon and Cambridge the other day and noticed someone had helpfully
covered the lens of one up, and another was pointed skywards.
Unfortunately another two or three still along that stretch.
although I have been caught twice speeding in the last 3 years, and I hate speed cams, I can support them in some areas.
The thrapston / p'boro road is a death trap. Where there is a big risk of death and speed is a factor, then its silly not to use them.
what I object to is the bastards hiding mobile sped vans just around a corner where its not particularly dangerous.
northants has 7 of these evil devices.
who ever blew up that camera is an idiot.
Think of the way the law looks at different ways of trashing a cam.
1. use explosives. Probably a few years in prison cos they are emotive and could kill or maim a passer by.
2. burning it down. Arson. Probably anopther couple years in jail.
3. Pull it down with a truck or hacksaw the cam off. lots of community service, big fine, small possibility of jail. Criminal damage.
given consiracy to cause explosions, arson or criminal damage, he chose the highest risk option!
Try this one.
(see)X51 HX(you)!
The seargent's wife's car! he he!
Unfortunately, it's now not possible to (legally) get plates without a v5 to back you up.
firstly.... get some old plates from the scrappies.
also.... on clarkson series meet the neighbours(the one about our euro friends) i think he met up with the leader of the tuf tuf club. this is a club
in holland (where gatzos were invented BTW) and they do destroy gatzos and warn people about where mobile cameras are. i think,
just search on google for tuf tuf club. there must be a uk version somewhere, but i guess theyre not gonna advertise the fact.
Incidentally, I'm 99% certain that standard speed cameras don't work when you are coming toward them. Truvelo on the other hand are specifically
designed to get you coming toward them (get the face of the driver so they can't say it was someone else when they're on their last chance) they'd
have to use seperate loops for either side of the road, or else two cars going in opposite directions could trigger it, and with enormous speeds.
there's nothing to stop them from putting four loops in to cover all eventualities.
Couple of ideas for anarchy :
Get a nitro powered radio controlled car and rant that past the camera several times until the film runs out.
Get an old knackered motorbike, fit some sort of very long kill cord, jam the throttle open and let it just run past the camera at full speed.
Riderless motorbike breaking the speed limit, that'll freak them out. Have to be very careful with this one though, would want an uncontrolled
motorbike hurting anyone.
There was a craze recently of kids tying tins of beans to bits of rope and whizzing them round fast adjacent to a speed camera - Thiss will aparently
set them off so that it will take a photo of your mates bearing their arses further down the road. How purile eh!!
A good speedcam site is (believe it or not)
The dutch group are very active. I saw a figure quoted somewhere that 25% of dutch cameras are 'inactivated' every year.
Due to derbyshire police's new found delight in persecution, via the use of cunningly placed mobile traps in and around the peak, and the rest of
derbyshire, there might just be a few of these appearing in the near future.
Mr X
[Edited on 18/2/03 by philgregson]
Rescued attachment speedthing.gif
when I have been to get plates at halfords, they dont take your name or anything and need no proof of what you want made up.
caravan shops sell stick on letters and REAR plates....
I remeber once we stole a dumpster very early in the morning to set of the loops on the road, and we pushed it into the intersection lol of corse we
set it off
would have looked funny when the police review the photos
ditto Steve's experience, however the one in Winnersh wanted V5, so drove to Bracknell where it was "no questions"
Just to put you all in the picture like. The government screwed up big time on the legislation and the time frame required. So the motor trade as a
whole got caught with its nickers down on this one because no one really understood the implications as far as the retail end requirements. (Not even
the AA {garage services side}). so a suspension until the end of (I believe) February was brought in. The requirement is that basically if you make or
supply a number plate or components there off you WILL need to see proof of entitlement to those plates (V5 or similar), you must see proof of
identity (passport or similar) AND you must keep records for (again I believe) about 18/24 months. About 95% of the motor trade never really
understood the implications of this or just thought that it would not affect them. They were wrong.
So expect ease of number plate obtaining to get very difficult shortly.
Originally posted by jollygreengiant
Just to put you all in the picture like. The government screwed up big time on the legislation and the time frame required. So the motor trade as a whole got caught with its nickers down on this one because no one really understood the implications as far as the retail end requirements. (Not even the AA {garage services side}). so a suspension until the end of (I believe) February was brought in. The requirement is that basically if you make or supply a number plate or components there off you WILL need to see proof of entitlement to those plates (V5 or similar), you must see proof of identity (passport or similar) AND you must keep records for (again I believe) about 18/24 months. About 95% of the motor trade never really understood the implications of this or just thought that it would not affect them. They were wrong.
So expect ease of number plate obtaining to get very difficult shortly.
All you have to do is obtain the mirror of the required characters, at one of the sign shops that do computer cut vinyl graphics, and stick them on to
a peice of Perspex of the correct size, then cover that with some yellow/white vinyl.
When viewed through the Perspex, it'll look perfect.....except at night!
"Neber dunt before Occifer!"
This "need a V5 to get a log book" idea seems fine in theory, but my new car is on contract hire, so i won't have a V5 for it.
However i feel that "Sorry occifer, i can't replace my broken number plate because they can't / won't sell me one!" won't save the fine / points /
whatever i'd get should i have a cracked plate.
i am in same situation re company car.
im sure some kinda system will be worked out - its no harder than taking a 'producer' to a police station
This system was put into place I presume to try and prevent the criminal element putting false plates on stolen cars, commiting crimes with gohst
plates on vehicles etc and if they do at least being able to trace the plates.
Ha! What a load of b****cks!!!
Do they really think that Mr Criminal is going to think ' Oh dear I am going to have to give up crime now so that I don't get into trouble for
obtaining a false number plate without the correct documentation.' No he isn't is he.
If hae wants false number plates he will get them - he has the contacts, the resources and the necessary contempt for the law.
The only people who are going to struggle and get nicked are the likes of us normal law abiding citizens for whom the simple act of buying a new
number plate has now become a load of beurocracy.
Picture the following scenario:
Driving home on Friday evening through the peak and a lump of rock falls off a passing quarry wagon and breaks my number plate (as has happened).
I go to a purveyor of fine number plates to replace it like the law abiding citizen that I am but:
I've got no V5 cos it is a company car and on lease hire.
I have no passport beacuse my mortgage company have got it to prove that I'm not a money launderer before giving me a remortgage (despite having had a
mortgage for the last ten years).
I have no driving license 'cos DVLA have it to remove some spent points.
On Saturday I get done for having no number plate.
On Sunday the police come to see me as a car of identical description (with a cloned number plate) has been involved in a robbery in Bolton. 'It must
have been you sir beacuse only you can buy a number plate for your vehicle'
Another law that has no effect what so ever except to cause more trouble for the law abiding citizen.
Agreed pointless beaurochrasy(?) and control over the masses.
Another problem that will arise from it is the theft of number plates from parked vehicles to go onto stolen cars etc.
Example; steel car in town A, go to town B and steel number plate from similar car. Use car for crime and blame goes to unsuspecting owner of missing
No plate, who probably hasn't noticed that plates are missing yet. Or if he has, he can't replace them.
Number plates will be stolen to avoid all sorts of things like avoiding speeding tickets or even congestion charges.
Whereas in the past criminals would simply have made up a ficticious number and had it made, now there will be a market for stolen number plates and
may have made things far worse because children or young upcoming criminals are ideal for obtaining the plates.
Or am I just being paranoid?
Another thought!
Surely this will criminalise all the people who like me have an old number plate from a car or bike they used to own. By no longer being the
legitimate owner of said registration, the only purpose for keeping it would be to use it for crime (in the eyes of the law).
I better keep the garage door shut in case I get mistaken for a chop shop!
[Edited on 25/2/03 by Bull]
i recon its for speed cams.
it stops you from making false plates to confuse them.
Just imagine if you have a red escort.
someone borrows your plates. puts em on their red escort Does 12 laps of the m25 at 140 mph.
goes back to your car and puts em back.
how ya gonna explain that away when the 'its you if you cant give us a name' form comes in the post for 68 offences.........
[Edited on 25/2/03 by stephen_gusterson]
AFAIK, the new regs don't apply to N.Ireland. I think these guys are based in N.Ireland.[/url]
Originally posted by stephen_gusterson
Does 12 laps of the m25 at 140 mph.
well, perhaps not in a single day or anywhere near rush hour then!
tell me where u live and i'll borrow your plates then.
As someone who has had his barclays connect card cloned in the past - and it never left my posession - and 1000 quid nicked from it 100 miles away,
dont be so doubtful of the frauds people can pull.
If i was gonna do some illegal racing / crusing stuff past speed cams, i would do it for sure.
cloning plates from similar cars DOES happen.
it makes more sense to use a false number from a similar car if yer gonna commit a crime.
[Edited on 26/2/03 by stephen_gusterson]
I've just recieved an update from a font site, and they've just released the official UK number plate font. If you download it, and type up
your registration number, you can then either take it or email it to one of those computer-cut vinyl sign places, and have your number plates made up
Number plate font.
Speed cameras can get you from the front. I got a speeding ticket through a couple of years ago, but I didn't believe they could have clearly
read my plate on camera as i had 3 mountain bikes on the back which covered most of my number plate, so i requested a copy of the picture. When i
received the picture it was a lovely shot of the front of the car and you could clearly see me driving and the 2 passengers, plus my plate.
The police were pulling cars for obscuring their rear lights and number plates with pushbikes when we went to Ashbourne. They were having a field day,
I don't know if they were dishing tickets or warnings but they would have made a fortune..
yours, Pete.
To the best of my knowledge there was a court case when the B***ards were first introduced and WE the joe public Won!!!!
Basically it is an infringement of your human rights to be photo'd by a speed camara head on as it proves who was driving the car?????
(and who was sitting in the front seat with you???? )
I was told about 20 years ago by a frenchman the same was said in france then. People were having pics sent to their home with their mistress sitting
in the car (!!!!).
They stopped sending the pics. You have to ask for them here anyway.
Dont get speeding confused with human rights. You dont have any.
I got done 185 quid for not telling if it was me or not driving cos I didnt know (well, they didnt know I did.) Its an offence not to admit its you or
give another name.
What heppend to the right to remain silent.
With speed cams, the law just butt fcuks you.
[Edited on 8/7/03 by stephen_gusterson]
Well bugger me
I can tell you how to be guaranteed never to be caught by speed cameras - but you'll have to send me a tenner!
The road safety officer
Stick to the limit then they can't get you.
There are two new truvelo cameras near us in a 50 limit and they aren't switched on yet, still got lenses covered but everybody slows down to
35mph to go past them. They are either side of a bend in full view and will inevitably cause an accident eventually when someone brakes for them and
gets rear ended.
yours, Pete.
I suppose it would be too difficult to put the prevailing speed limit sign on the camera post?
or just before it?