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think I will give the MOT a miss
raccoonradar - 28/11/05 at 02:20 PM

MOT booked at 2.30 this aft I don't like snow now

[Edited on 28/11/05 by raccoonradar] Rescued attachment IMG_0790.JPG
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Howlor - 28/11/05 at 02:26 PM

Looks wise, it's the same over here in East yorks. Too cold to be out in the garage as well. Will just have to bring the car inside!

andkilde - 28/11/05 at 02:33 PM

Oooh! The sky is falling, the sky is falling...

Don't be such a wussy boy, there's barely enough there to even notice

Cheers from Canada, Ted

DarrenW - 28/11/05 at 02:41 PM

Dont let a bit of white stuff spoil the fun.

Its not encouraging me hearing you guys cancelling trips out in this weather! ive got to drive 35miles each way to SVA test next Monday morning!!! Im getting my father to follow me with tools and hot flask.

Guinness - 28/11/05 at 02:49 PM

Raccoonrader, get out there man, you're not made of sugar!

Hmm back end out on snow. Put tyre warmers on and leave them on?

Good luck!

Darren, you getting there? You can call in at mine early Monday morning for a brew if you want.


raccoonradar - 28/11/05 at 03:21 PM

I did try, ended up coming back
snow not too bad its was the spray on the inside of the screen stopped me from seeing. still 60mph in 2nd & yes back end out on way back

raccoonradar - 28/11/05 at 03:27 PM

would say that ted coming from Canada,
its not real snow unless its up to the windows there


Dale - 28/11/05 at 04:19 PM

2 days ago -22 deg celcius witht he wind and 4-6 inches of snow- Today 14 Deg celcius . Never know what to expect.

andkilde - 28/11/05 at 09:13 PM

Originally posted by Dale
2 days ago -22 deg celcius witht he wind and 4-6 inches of snow- Today 14 Deg celcius . Never know what to expect.

Where are you Dale? Sounds exactly like Windsor, though we only had 1 1/2" of snow.

Cheers, Ted

nanosleep - 28/11/05 at 09:45 PM

Yesterday we hit 27 celcuis.
We usually have mild winters, but this one is weird.

mangogrooveworkshop - 28/11/05 at 11:16 PM

Sorry boys had to post this to illustrate a canada style beer fridge

here an inch of snow and we grind to a halt..... why

[Edited on 28-11-05 by mangogrooveworkshop]