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Top tip - laboratory conditions
zilspeed - 29/6/05 at 06:10 PM

When rebuilding your cylinder head, don't bother with clean room surroundings or operating theatres. Just use your wheely bin, a flap wheel in your drill and some cheap makro spanners.

There - now you can all laugh at the ugly fat bloke - all who haven't had the misfortune of actually having met me.

With heartfelt thanks to SWMBO for the snap Rescued attachment IM000303.JPG
Rescued attachment IM000303.JPG

stevebubs - 29/6/05 at 06:17 PM

Dude, you look seriously p!ssed off with her there....

zilspeed - 29/6/05 at 06:26 PM

That's actually my carefully studied 'angry' look - I was quite mellow really - sunshine, spanners, cylinder heads.

What more do you need?

DorsetStrider - 29/6/05 at 09:21 PM

I'm thinking you are looking for a better reply to that question than.....

Miss Norwich!

gazza285 - 29/6/05 at 10:42 PM

Allways wondered what happened to Jimmy Mulville.