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Are entrails tasteless?
Chris_R - 7/4/05 at 06:37 PM

Not literally tasteless, but would it be a little OTT for my mousey little friend? Thought I'd give animation another go and I've heard the key is in the detail. Rescued attachment mouse_blink_3.gif
Rescued attachment mouse_blink_3.gif

DaveFJ - 7/4/05 at 07:00 PM

no go for it - lots of gooey bits !

Chris_R - 7/4/05 at 07:03 PM

I'm tempted to make it a Flash file so I can add a nice bassy thud.

tri - 7/4/05 at 09:24 PM

go for it would be funny do you have alot of time on your hand just as a passing question

Chris_R - 7/4/05 at 10:03 PM

Errr, yes. Insomnia and photoshop aren't a good combo.