I am off to a fancy dress party next weekend - not my idea!
The theme is Filmstars
Im having a mind blank and i need ideas of who to go as, need to be able to do it in true locost style too - ie home made
so come on give me some ideas simple to make but wont leave people saying .....................ahhh and who have you come as!
-bit of blue felt tip, brown cheque shirt and a cheque skirt (i mean kilt )
oh, an a nice cardboard/hardboard sword
[Edited on 14/3/05 by ned]
samuel l jackson / john travolta from pulp fiction. cant get more slick than those gangsters. always a winner i reckon.
If you cant be arsed to be creative just put a suit on...you could then say if asked that you are James Bond/any other film start thats worn a suit in a film...
I'm suprised no one has said it yet!
Robin Hood
Heads for cover!
Stick a cigar butt up your a&$e and go as Cobumbo. Cowboy hat and a sheet with a head hole, Clint Eastwood, don't use the same cigar butt as
Cobumbo though.
white paper spraying overalls and a baseball bat (inflatable of course) liberal application of red paint - Go as a seal clubber!
Find a girl called Michelle and give her a piggyback - Teenage mutant hero turtle!!
Well you could say "I've got Mi Shell on mi back!"
Jack Nicholson in China town --- complete with very large sticking plaster on nose.
Just go as a freshly teleported terminator, no fancy dress needed then. Needs body bulding first though.
You could just wear a pair of skiddies and go as a premature ejaculation.
"I've just come in my pants"
nick a wheel chair and dribble on people - Stephen hawking........
Go in your pyjamas - Michael Jackson?
Marilyn Monroe perhaps?
ming the merciless? or the devil?
Rescued attachment evil.jpg
. . . say you're an armpit.
Wait, that only works with females.