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is there a santa?
ruskino80 - 20/12/12 at 08:10 PM

Is there a Santa Claus?

No known species of reindeer can fly. However, there are hundreds of thousands, even millions of species of living organisms yet to be classified. While most of these are insects and germs, this does not COMPLETELY rule out flying reindeer which only Santa has ever seen.

There are 2 billion children (persons under 18) in the world. Since Santa doesn't (appear) to handle the Muslim, Hindu, Jewish & Buddhist children, that reduces the workload to 15% of the total - 378 million according to Population Reference Bureau. At an average (census) rate of 3.5 children per household, that's 91.8 million homes. One presumes there's at least one good child in each.

Santa has 31 hours of Christmas to work with. This is due to the different time zones and the rotation of the earth, assuming he travels east to west (which seems logical). This works out to 822.6 visits/second.

This is to say that for each Christian household with good children, Santa has .001 seconds to park, hop out of the sleigh, jump down the chimney, fill the stockings, distribute the remaining presents under the tree, eat whatever snacks have been left, get back up the chimney, get back into the sleigh and move on to the next house.

Assuming that each of these 91.8 million stops are evenly distributed around the earth (which of course, we know to be false but for the purposes of our calculations we will accept), we are now talking about .78 miles/household, a total trip of 75.5 million miles; not counting stops to do what most of us must do at least once ever 31 hours, plus feeding etc.

So Santa's sleigh must be moving at 650 miles/second, 3,000 times the speed of sound. For purposes of comparison, the fastest man-made vehicle on the earth, the Ulysses space probe, moves at a poky 27.4 miles per second. A conventional reindeer can run, TOPS, 15 miles/hour.

The payload on the sleigh adds another interesting element. Assuming that each child gets nothing more than a medium-size Lego set (2 lb.); the sleigh is carrying 321,300 tons, not counting Santa, who is invariably described as overweight. On land, conventional reindeer can pull no more than 300 lbs. Even granting that "flying reindeer" (see above) could pull 10 TIMES the normal amount, we cannot do the job with 8, or even 9 reindeer. We need 214,200. This increases the payload - not counting the weight of the sleigh to 353,430 tons. This is four times the weight of the ocean-liner Queen Elizabeth!!!

353,000 tons traveling at 650 miles/second creates enormous air resistance. This will heat the reindeer up in the same fashion as a spacecraft reentering the earth's atmosphere. The lead pair of reindeer will absorb 14.3 QUINTILLION joules of energy!!! Per second!!! Each!!! In short, they will burst into flame almost instantaneously, exposing the reindeer behind them, and creating deafening sonic booms in their wake. The entire reindeer team will be vaporized within .00426th of a second. Meanwhile, Santa will be subjected to centrifugal forces 17,500.06 times greater than gravity, A 250 lb Santa (seems ludicrously slim) would be pinned to the back of this sleigh by 4,315,015 lbs. of force.

Therefore, if Santa ever DID deliver presents on Christmas Eve ... he's dead now.

Merry Christmas

chillis - 20/12/12 at 08:34 PM

Originally posted by ruskino80
Is there a Santa Claus?

No known species of reindeer can fly. However, there are hundreds of thousands, even millions of species of living organisms yet to be classified. While most of these are insects and germs, this does not COMPLETELY rule out flying reindeer which only Santa has ever seen.

Merry Christmas

The reference to flying reindeer related to them feasting on flyer garrick mushrooms that are apparently present around this time of year - makes them rather lively

Xtreme Kermit - 20/12/12 at 08:35 PM

I could be wrong, but I think you might be over analysing it just a tad...


blakep82 - 20/12/12 at 08:41 PM

Originally posted by chillis
Originally posted by ruskino80
Is there a Santa Claus?

No known species of reindeer can fly. However, there are hundreds of thousands, even millions of species of living organisms yet to be classified. While most of these are insects and germs, this does not COMPLETELY rule out flying reindeer which only Santa has ever seen.

Merry Christmas

The reference to flying reindeer related to them feasting on flyer garrick mushrooms that are apparently present around this time of year - makes them rather lively

correct! and if you eat the yellow snow, you get the perfect dose for humans (if you eat the mushrooms you'd be killed)

scudderfish - 20/12/12 at 08:44 PM

Originally posted by blakep82
Originally posted by chillis
Originally posted by ruskino80
Is there a Santa Claus?

No known species of reindeer can fly. However, there are hundreds of thousands, even millions of species of living organisms yet to be classified. While most of these are insects and germs, this does not COMPLETELY rule out flying reindeer which only Santa has ever seen.

Merry Christmas

The reference to flying reindeer related to them feasting on flyer garrick mushrooms that are apparently present around this time of year - makes them rather lively

correct! and if you eat the yellow snow, you get the perfect dose for humans (if you eat the mushrooms you'd be killed)

I want to know what the thought process was of the guy who discovered that....

ChrisL - 20/12/12 at 08:45 PM

mmm roast reindeer

Xtreme Kermit - 20/12/12 at 08:53 PM

Originally posted by ChrisL
mmm roast reindeer


wylliezx9r - 20/12/12 at 08:55 PM

Yes of course Santa exists.............................................well there's about the same likelyhood as there being a GOD and the same evidence for that matter !!!!!!!!!!

perksy - 20/12/12 at 09:44 PM


I rigged a device up with a bell one christmas eve when i was younger and it went off and revealed my mum wheeling in a new bike for me

bi22le - 20/12/12 at 09:46 PM

I understand what your saying and agree with your pessimism. I dont understand though, who will deliver my presents?!

I wrote a letter asking for loads of things, i have been a really good boy this year. I better be at the top of his chuffing visit list before fatty cooks his reindeer!!

Merry Christmas ill!

TheGiantTribble - 20/12/12 at 10:15 PM

Santa has a secret weapon

Don't tell anyone else

It's a secret

NASA wants it, the military want it, politicians wish they had it.

It's called


Long may it continue, to amuse baffle and delight in equal measures

Happy Xmas all

splitrivet - 20/12/12 at 10:51 PM

Well if you dont believe in Santa dont come crying to us if you get nowt.

trextr7monkey - 20/12/12 at 10:55 PM

He can't have fried himself yet 'cos Isaw him twice in Carlisle today -
he had his usual costume on but on his hat it said "Kiss me" I suspect he has been corrupted by recent media stories.

Ninehigh - 21/12/12 at 12:45 AM

This theory is running on the same logic that there's only one UPS truck...

balidey - 21/12/12 at 08:13 AM

I believe.

sickbag - 21/12/12 at 11:10 AM

Santa / Satan - same entity, just the same as Dr Jeckyl / Mr Hyde.

Satan cheers up for one day at Christmas and dresses up his evil minions in elf's outfits to bring cheer to the Christian world - that's how he can do his deliveries all in one night.

whitestu - 21/12/12 at 01:00 PM


Well if you dont believe in Santa dont come crying to us if you get nowt.


r1_pete - 21/12/12 at 01:15 PM

I think he exists,

This year he came early dressed in a Chesterfiel Motorcycle Centre jacket,

In a CMC van,

and left me an XJR1300


SteveWallace - 21/12/12 at 01:32 PM

If Santa doesn't exist, then what is NORAD tracking, eh...


...aside from which, no one will be getting presents this year, as with his technology, Santa will have b*u&&ed off to avoid the end of the world!

[Edited on 21/12/12 by SteveWallace]

jeffw - 21/12/12 at 01:49 PM

Dear Santa,
How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? I hope everyone, from the reindeer to the elves, is fine. I have been a very good boy this year. I would like an X-Box 360 with Call of Duty IV and an iPhone 4 for Christmas. I hope you remember that come Christmas Day.

Merry Christmas, Tony Jones
Dear Tony,
Thank you for your letter. Mrs. Claus, the reindeer and the elves are all fine and thank you for asking about them. Santa is a little worried all the time you spend playing video games and texting. Santa wouldn't want you to get fat. Since you have indeed been a good boy, I think I'll bring you something you can go outside and play with.

Merry Christmas, Santa Claus
Mr. Claus,
Seeing that I have fulfilled the "Naughty vs. Nice" contract set by you I might add, I feel confident that you can see your way clear to granting me what I have asked for. I certainly wouldn't want to turn this joyous season into one of litigation. Also, don't you think that a jibe at my weight coming from an overweight man who goes out once a year is a bit trite?

Respectfully, Tony Jones

Mr. Jones,
While I have acknowledged you have met the "nice" criteria, need I remind you that your Christmas list is a request and in no way is it a guarantee of services provided. Should you wish to pursue legal action, well that is your right. Please know, however, that my attorneys have been on retainer ever since the Burgermeister Meisterburger incident and will be more than happy to take you on in open court. Additionally, the exercise I alluded to will not only improve your health, but also improve your social skills and potentially help clear up a complexion that looks like the bottom of the Burger King fry bin most days.

Very Truly Yours, S. Claus
Now look here Fat Man,
I told you what I want and I expect you to bring it. I was attempting to be polite about this but you had to bring my looks and my friends into this! Now you just be disrespecting me. I'm about to tweet my boys and we're gonna be waiting for your fat ass and I'm taking my game console, my game, my phone, and whatever else I want. WHAT EVER I WANT, MAN!

Listen Pizza Face,
Seriously??? You think a dude that breaks into every house in the world on one night and never gets caught sweats a skinny G-banger wannabe? "He sees you when you're sleeping; He knows when you're awake". Sound familiar, genius? You know what kind of resources I have at my disposal? I got your poo wired, Jack. I go round the world and see ways to hurt people that if I described them right now, you'd throw up your Tostino's pizza roll all over the carpet of your mom's basement. You're not getting what you asked for but I'm still stopping by your crib to stomp a mud hole in your narrow ass and then walk it dry. Chew on that, Petunia.

S Clizzy
Dear Santa,
On second thoughts, bring me whatever you see fit. I'll appreciate anything.
That's what I thought, dipshit.
