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F4J Batman Hero or Villian
mangogrooveworkshop - 13/9/04 at 03:30 PM

Batman storms palace
September 14, 2004

A man dressed as Batman has scaled the front of Buckingham Palace as part of a series of protests by divorced British fathers at their treatment by the family courts over access to their children.

The campaigner from Fathers 4 Justice was identified as Jason Hatch, 33, from Gloucester in the west of England.

Spokesman Matt O'Connor said: "We've got a guy dressed as Batman who's on Buckingham Palace on a balcony. He legged it past the armed guards."

A palace spokeswoman confirmed the protest and said police were dealing with it. Queen Elizabeth was not in residence as she is away on her summer break at Balmoral in Scotland.

The protester, standing on a ledge to the right-hand side of the main balcony at the front of the palace, unfurled a banner which read: "Super dads of fathers 4 justice" and "Fighting for your right to your kids".

Police attempted to engage him in discussion.

A passer-by said she had seen the man climb up the building at the far right end of the palace and make his way across the front of the building.

[Edited on 13-9-04 by mangogrooveworkshop]

stephen_gusterson - 13/9/04 at 03:37 PM

running past armed guards is the bit i wouldnt fancy - and the heights Rescued attachment batman.jpg
Rescued attachment batman.jpg

Spyderman - 13/9/04 at 03:57 PM

Is this some time in the future then, cuz I thought it was the 13th today?

Says a lot for the security if someone so obvious can get through!


macspeedy - 13/9/04 at 04:14 PM


mangogrooveworkshop - 13/9/04 at 05:34 PM

Making a right monkey of the cops!

Hellfire - 13/9/04 at 05:53 PM

Sexual Equality works both ways

alister667 - 13/9/04 at 06:07 PM

You know, I swear I heard an interview on Radio 5 Live with a Fathers For Justice rep called Jon Ison.
Does anyone know if it is or isn't?

john_p_b - 13/9/04 at 06:26 PM

he's done good on 2 counts as far as i'm concerned today, got his point across for his campaign and highlighted just how shockingly piss poor british security is

macspeedy - 13/9/04 at 07:01 PM

it was most amusing seeing tony b at the tuc and batman on the same screen on the news hope he timed it for that!

Peteff - 13/9/04 at 08:03 PM

When was that? Isn't he still in the Dominican Republic, sceptered isle on holiday.

alister667 - 13/9/04 at 08:18 PM

It was on 5 live this afternoon about 5pm or so. I guess it's not the same one....
Or else he leads an intriguing double life!!
You never know

stephen_gusterson - 13/9/04 at 09:34 PM

I think you should give the police more credit. Robin didnt climb up cos they threatened to shoot him.

If they were dressed in arab outfits, they would be dead.



Peteff - 13/9/04 at 10:13 PM

And where was Bruce Wayne while all this was happening?. Back to the batcave boy blunder !!!! nananananananana Batman

Mark Allanson - 13/9/04 at 10:43 PM

More power to his elbow, I've been in that position, its only then that you realise that law and justice are further apart than ... a Nissan Micra and one of our cars .. or even worse

Hugh Paterson - 14/9/04 at 07:40 AM

Gets my vote, its the talk of the town on morning tv now...mind you I dont mind if he borrows my kids now and then, especially the eldest now THATS attitude

marktigere1 - 14/9/04 at 01:16 PM

Yes, I heard the interview with Jon Ison as well on the way home.

I've not met him in person, but he sounds an all right bloke to me. You don't think he may be Robin do you?

Was the interview done whilst he sat in the cockpit?
