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Flier printing
Pdlewis - 10/4/12 at 08:18 PM


I need to get some fliers printed, I don't have much experience in printing and just wondered if anyone had any recommendations

So far I have a quote from good print and vista print

Vista print
2500 double sided colour gloss on 250g gloss £120

Good print
2500 double sided colour gloss 350g £185

I would like a quality feeling flyer are either of these prices good? And is it worth going for 350over 250

Many thanks

austin man - 10/4/12 at 08:34 PM

have you got a pic to post of the flier ? the quality of the finish is what matter not the apaper weight unless your having it printed on both sides I would ask for a sample print on both papers to compare

ReMan - 10/4/12 at 08:44 PM

Is that for A4?
I think 350 is a little heavy for a throw away flier.
Unless you've got a captive audience that you want to keep it and pin it on their wall.

Also make sure you get the RIGHT quantities for the supplier pricebreaks

Pdlewis - 10/4/12 at 08:49 PM

its is a 95mm x 220mm

double sided

this is the front and back (both still in draft )



designer - 10/4/12 at 09:26 PM

250/350 are way too thick for a flier, it is nearly card, I would use matt finish 100.

Don't forget, it costs more to do a non-standard sheet of paper, I always used A5.

ReMan - 10/4/12 at 09:34 PM

I agree, 350 much too heavy.
But as a design it looks smart enough
Again A5 probably cheeper, else get 2 out of A4 longways and cut more in keeping with your design for a bit of individuality

ChrisW - 11/4/12 at 10:14 AM

I've always used for both LocostBuilders flyers and for my business. Decent service, reasonable pricing.

Using non-standard sized paper isn't that bad as long as it's a multiple of a fixed size. Eg if you wanted a third of A4 that'll work as there won't be any wastage but if you want a strange fraction or a funny shape where paper will be wasted it will push the cost up.


Pdlewis - 11/4/12 at 10:16 AM

Thanks Chris,

I have just ordered a sample pack off goodprint to get an idea on paper thickness

the size im after is listed as a standard size on most websites they call it DL

loggyboy - 11/4/12 at 10:34 AM

Just on the flyer itself, Id suggest putting a gap between the code and the number, I take it that is not your acctual number!?

Pdlewis - 11/4/12 at 10:35 AM

all the text is still in draft

there will be a gap and all the spacing will be sorted

splitrivet - 11/4/12 at 12:44 PM

You must be a cyclepath, I was thinking of getting some fliers done this threads come in very handy.

Pdlewis - 13/4/12 at 10:10 AM

Thanks for all the replies

I have just got a ample pack from (for free unlike many others) and i think 135g or 170g are more than enough

James - 13/4/12 at 10:58 AM

Originally posted by splitrivet
You must be a cyclepath, I was thinking of getting some fliers done this threads come in very handy.

me too!

For my new Savate kickboxing club!


Jasper - 13/4/12 at 01:09 PM

Fat Flyers - excellent superfest service, and only £99 for 10,000 fliers! Used them for years: