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A ride in something different today
mookaloid - 28/3/12 at 07:36 PM

This was the view out of the window


karlak - 28/3/12 at 07:38 PM

OMG, so jealous

What a fantastic day for it as well

A1 - 28/3/12 at 07:44 PM

you lucky lucky....

T66 - 28/3/12 at 07:48 PM

Come on then, spill the beans, how did you manage that then ?

slingshot2000 - 28/3/12 at 07:49 PM

You jammy git ! And to be so close to all that fantastic noise ! How on earth did you pull that off ?


Daddylonglegs - 28/3/12 at 07:58 PM

Originally posted by A1
you lucky lucky....

..... bar steward

Jammy sod

Wheels244 - 28/3/12 at 08:20 PM

All of the above !!!!!!!

monck - 28/3/12 at 08:24 PM

You jammy bugger

Looks like a Lancaster unless ive forgotten my planes?

tilly819 - 28/3/12 at 08:32 PM


you lucky lucky GIT


daviep - 28/3/12 at 08:58 PM


mookaloid - 28/3/12 at 09:04 PM

A big thank you to Mrs Mooky who arranged a VIP taxy ride in the Lancaster for my 50th Birthday

(in addition to lunch) I got to have a good poke about inside and ride in the cockpit

The sound of 4 Merlins is just awesome

more pics (and a vid if I can get it uploaded) to follow



mookaloid - 28/3/12 at 10:29 PM

not today but here's a video on U Tube linky

slingshot2000 - 28/3/12 at 11:16 PM

What a brilliant present ! Many happy returns for your 50th. I think this calls for another night in that fantastic Indian resauraunt in Richmond, to help you celebrate !


slingshot2000 - 28/3/12 at 11:26 PM

Originally posted by mookaloid
not today but here's a video on U Tube linky

It wasmy bed-time when I clicked on that link. I have just realised how long the video is. Looks like it may be a late night for me. . . . . . . . . . . .



mookaloid - 28/3/12 at 11:32 PM

Originally posted by slingshot2000
What a brilliant present ! Many happy returns for your 50th. I think this calls for another night in that fantastic Indian resauraunt in Richmond, to help you celebrate !


not at all a bad idea that

steve m - 29/3/12 at 12:41 AM

jammy git, plus i hate you!

i got socks, deodorant , and 12 cans of fosters for my 50th

39th birthday though was 45 mins in PV202 from Duxford to Goodwood, with me flying it for about 15mins, with my good old mate now deceased Captain Norman lees

PV202 for those not in the know is a 2 seat spitfire

splitrivet - 29/3/12 at 07:59 AM

Is she flying now then?

stevebubs - 29/3/12 at 08:16 AM

Originally posted by splitrivet
Is she flying now then?

No - she still just taxis around the place. Unforunately it's not really in the owner's interest to make her airworthy when they can make a small mint just as she is...

She sounds awesome, though - I organised a family outing the and ride for my grandma's 80th a few years ago. If you've any interest in planes, it's a really good day out.

HowardB - 29/3/12 at 08:26 AM

Originally posted by steve m
jammy git, plus i hate you!

i got socks, deodorant , and 12 cans of fosters for my 50th

39th birthday though was 45 mins in PV202 from Duxford to Goodwood, with me flying it for about 15mins, with my good old mate now deceased Captain Norman lees

PV202 for those not in the know is a 2 seat spitfire

Now that is something that I would covet,... flying a Spit to Goodwood,... I was there at the revival last year when they had 14 or so on the ground and 10 in the air,... awesome

mookaloid - 29/3/12 at 09:06 AM

Originally posted by steve m
jammy git, plus i hate you!

i got socks, deodorant , and 12 cans of fosters for my 50th

39th birthday though was 45 mins in PV202 from Duxford to Goodwood, with me flying it for about 15mins, with my good old mate now deceased Captain Norman lees

PV202 for those not in the know is a 2 seat spitfire

You might hate me but I would have gladly swapped my taxy ride in the Lanc for a proper flight in a Spit

I hate you a bit now too