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What Fish?
907 - 3/4/11 at 09:58 AM

Hi All.

I've kept tropical fish for years, and for the last eight or so I've had Tiger Oscars.

I bought six ickle babies, one lasted a week, but five grew to about 150mm long, and then
one night some "nice people" stole a mile or so of cable down at the sub station.
We were off the electric for 26 hours but at the time I didn't know it would be that long.
Despite plastic bags of hot water, (we have a gas cooker to boil a kettle) the temperature dropped.
Maybe when it came back on the temperature rose too quickly, anyway two days later three died.

A year ago the remaining two had a fight, and I mean BIG fight. Lumps of lip and fin hanging off
everywhere, but then Oscars heal remarkably quickly, or at least one did.

The last remaining fish, a white one, with orange tiger ("go faster" ) stripes, died a week ago.
He/she was a magnificent 290mm long. No apparent cause, maybe old age or just lonely.

Anyway, spent all yesterday afternoon emptying the tank, jet washed all the stones, washed
the gravel, cleaned filters and it's back together. Now just need RAIN.

So what do I put in there? More Oscars? Something else? (4ft tank)

Any suggestions?

Paul G
It needs fish
It needs fish

omega 24 v6 - 3/4/11 at 10:17 AM

Chichlids?? we used to have firemouths many many moons ago.

Snuggs - 3/4/11 at 10:24 AM

A HUGE (50+) shoal of Neon Tetra's and a single Silver Shark

chicade - 3/4/11 at 10:34 AM

go marine not hard work to keep anymore and great fish!

907 - 3/4/11 at 10:44 AM

Originally posted by omega 24 v6
Chichlids?? we used to have firemouths many many moons ago.

I had African Cichlids ( Mbuna ) before the Oscars.
I did think of them.

Paul G

contaminated - 3/4/11 at 10:44 AM

Pacu and Green Terrors are quite entertaining. Piranhas are quite satisfying to keep - but they are very timid. If you keep a tank of Pacu and Piranhas next to each other and use feeder goldfish the Pacu strip the scales and the the Piranha finish them off! I've had some massive oscars over the years!

Peteff - 3/4/11 at 11:19 AM

Put a shoal of guppies or neon tetras in, about 50 and it will look brilliant.

A1 - 3/4/11 at 12:05 PM

+1 for the tetras cant remember what their real name was but i used to have some scossor tails...they were ace

Dusty - 3/4/11 at 01:25 PM

Hamster. Rats are good too!

David Jenkins - 3/4/11 at 02:12 PM

We've got 3 gerbils in our fish tank!

No water, of course, but a lot of wood shavings...

Ninehigh - 3/4/11 at 06:42 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
We've got 3 gerbils in our fish tank!

No water, of course, but a lot of wood shavings...

Use soil, they dig their own tunnels and their poo makes for some of the most fertile compost ever! I managed to grow stuff out of it without planting anything.

I remember seeing some really deep-sea fish somewhere that are blind, which was pretty cool to watch as about 70 of them all swam in the same direction round the tank

Angel Acevedo - 4/4/11 at 03:21 AM

See avatar...

Ninehigh - 4/4/11 at 03:46 AM

Originally posted by Angel Acevedo
See avatar...

I had a dream last night where I got bitten by a snake. It was a tiny snake and it bit me on the side of the knee (and clung on). Tearing it off woke me up but I couldn't move...