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The latest in Japanese retro chic?
Sparky - 5/7/04 at 08:53 PM

All is not what it seems... Rescued attachment Micra 01.JPG
Rescued attachment Micra 01.JPG

Sparky - 5/7/04 at 08:55 PM

...Especially when you look at it another way!

Unbelievable, or what??? Rescued attachment Micra 02.JPG
Rescued attachment Micra 02.JPG

thekafer - 5/7/04 at 08:56 PM

O.K....err.. What is it??

Metal Hippy - 5/7/04 at 08:57 PM

Looks like a Nissan Micra with a Jag nose...

Chris_R - 5/7/04 at 09:05 PM

I've seen a car very similar to that parked on Fourth Banks in Newcastle. It's beige and looks quite groovy... Or is that a bad thing to say?

Chris_R - 5/7/04 at 09:06 PM

Would look better with wire wheels though.

Sparky - 5/7/04 at 09:08 PM

What scares me daft is that a) somebody has obviously spent AGES building that thing, and b) somebody else has bid over two grand for it!!!!!

Look for yourself on ebay:

Scary stuff indeed. Bit sad too...

Peteff - 5/7/04 at 09:12 PM

I'll bet Morse is spinning like a top at this very moment . What an abortion, there should be a law against it.

andyps - 5/7/04 at 09:19 PM

It is a Nissan Micra with a Jag Mk2 type nose - and the person who spent ages building it was....


They were available in Japan like that.

robinbastd - 5/7/04 at 09:24 PM

Doesn't it remind you of the Allegro Vanden Plas thing of the 70's

zilspeed - 5/7/04 at 09:54 PM

As someone else said - they were mass produced like that, although not under the Nissian name.
It's called a Mitsuoka Viewt.
You're all wanting one now ehh...

colibriman - 5/7/04 at 10:04 PM

i saw a convertible version of that a few months back up here in kilmarnock.....couldnt take my eyes off it....couldnt decide if i was just amazed or disgusted.....

couldn't take my eyes off the driver either......she was a babe..........

subk2002 - 5/7/04 at 10:19 PM

U perv

P.s. did you get her number?

colibriman - 5/7/04 at 10:27 PM

quote... " U perv

too right.....

P.s. did you get her number? "

naaaaa.....i'm not that good.....she was driving along the road at the time....

chris.russell - 5/7/04 at 11:11 PM

don't you just hate it when theres a tasty babe driving a motor and you can't take your eyes off her... then realise your driving and heading for a curb at some silly speed missing by only a few inches.

They should ban all good looking females from driving...

... i wonder how much extra it the costs in car insurance for crashes that involve men taking their eyes off the road and crashing???

Peteff - 5/7/04 at 11:23 PM

I'm sorry I ran over the bus queue your honour, but there was a fit bird with her 'G' string showing over her jeans and I couldn't stop looking.

Well it was obviously curcumstances beyond your control, case dismissed.

colibriman - 5/7/04 at 11:25 PM

......nice one pete....

tractorboy - 5/7/04 at 11:51 PM

pete you ever concidered a career as a defence lawyer?

Chris_R - 10/7/04 at 03:16 PM

It's not what I thought it was. The one that i've seen is a Nissan Figaro. Rescued attachment figaro.gif
Rescued attachment figaro.gif

Chris_R - 10/7/04 at 03:17 PM

Still quite funky though... for a city car.

Hellfire - 10/7/04 at 03:25 PM

From this angle do you still think it's funky?

Chris_R - 10/7/04 at 03:28 PM

Er, yeah... Sorry.

Hellfire - 10/7/04 at 03:29 PM

This was better looking...

He got out with a broken nose...

Chris_R - 10/7/04 at 03:30 PM

Nice arse, shame about the face.