Can anyone recommend a means to establish where drafts are coming from in a large room?
I suspect we have a few points where the cold is getting in and I'm not really interested in using candles / incense smoke, etc.
Could just be Heat rising, cold air falling?
trickle vents on windows?
I found our water intake pipe was badly sealed (usualy hidden behind the kitchen kick boards) so injected foam down the hole and made a world of
[Edited on 18/12/10 by loggyboy]
Down your local?
Set off several red smoke bombs outside your house, then go in and shut the door. You'll figure the rest out
We seem to have a draft too... i've sealed anything and everything twice, but its still there
Do you have a dog with a lot of wind?
If it's a wooden floor you get them round the skirting boards as well as falling air at the window causing movement which feels like a draught.
Feather? They used to do it on window adverts
What you need is one of these!
Even a tiny draft coming from the door of the cupboard under the stairs and it plummets out of the air and into the nearest cup of tea or into someone
who doesnt appreciate flying round the living room as much as you do!
i have a large scratch on my monitor from a helicopter
as for the draft, you just need to walk round the room with a hand out looking for it.
Or look for gaps.
Or just count it as advantageous ventilation and be done with it.
Thermal imaging. FLIR.
We've got a £1500 one at work and they are pretty amazing. Sensitive enough to see the residual heat left by your hand after touching something
for just a second.
There's quite a few companies that have them now, see if you can get a quote from someone who does Homebuyers Info Pack type work.
Thanks all.