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55ant - 2/11/09 at 03:13 PM

its SWBMO's bday party on friday, her actual bday was last week, anyway we are having a fair few people round for a fireworks/beer evening (where could it possibly go wrong) anyway its a 'bring the best firework' theme, so people are bringing a good firework etc etc, not that i take competition seriously but i am the proud owner of this..


anyway i am thinking i should get a box of some from supermarket as they all do fairly good deals, these are just to pad it out and im sure not everyone will bring a firework, so does anyone have any recomendations, i have been to morrisons in the past and cant complain but nothing to special, but i have heard that lidl are doing them?? any special offers anyone can point me in the direction of, looking to spend under £50


roadrunner - 2/11/09 at 03:24 PM

do you think you'll win

omega0684 - 2/11/09 at 03:42 PM

how big is your garden? the guy says to stand at least 25 metres away!

anyways looks like its just a tube of titanium filings with some gun powder in the bottom for the final bang? seems rather expensive to me is thats all it does.

55ant - 2/11/09 at 03:52 PM

got ti for a bit of a bargain as freind of a friend etc, my garden is no way near 25 m! but the field next to it should do nicely!

tomgregory2000 - 2/11/09 at 04:04 PM

all those box sets from supermarkets are crap!!!!!

I bought a box from my local garden center (biggest firework center in the south) and it cost £350 plus i bought some more they had, prob spent about £700 in total, there was some good stuff in there.

Just remember the quality costs!!

I would reccomend a brand called "brothers" look up online there stuff is great quallity.

I finished my show with one of theres last year which cost £70 and was worth every penny oh and my display lasted for about an hour

[Edited on 2/11/09 by tomgregory2000]

UncleFista - 2/11/09 at 04:20 PM

Sooooo, to get the best box of fireworks for under £50 you need to spend £700 ?

I reckon you must've taken a wrong turning, this is "Locostbuilders" you could build 3 cars for that !

karlak - 2/11/09 at 04:47 PM

Morrison's, buy a selection box for £40 and get a few other bits (rockets etc) thrown in.

swanny - 2/11/09 at 04:49 PM

i think what i've bought in the past is either a cake or a battery, for 50 quid you get about 50 shots, all different sorts and as you only light it once you get real momentumn and excitment rather than:

people fumbling about in the darking setting individual fireworks up, striking matches, walking back, then bang then start all over again.

50 shots all within a minute creates a good impact!

steve m - 2/11/09 at 06:08 PM

Morrison's, buy a selection box for £40 and get a few other bits (rockets etc) thrown in. "

yep me too, and we got 10% staff discount
the rocket i let off last night was better than sainsburys ones last year

not sure about the rest yet

dhutch - 2/11/09 at 06:10 PM

Certainly looks good to me.
- After 27years of going to long standing family freinds (my grandads housemate from uni infact) for there annual bonfire bash we're now hosting the annuall hutchinson/mason family bonfire and i have to admit we have our work cut out to match there setup which has been grown and honed for quite some time.

Geoff is still bringing us the fireworks from his supplier but we are doing the rest. We have around a lorry full of dry timber from our neighbourgh who is a building contractor. Food is all planned. Im picking up two boxes of beer from Burton Bridge on the way home on friday. Everyones set to arrive thoughout friday and saturday for the evenings events. Its all quite tense!!


BenB - 2/11/09 at 06:41 PM

We did one of those in our 20 foot long walled garden. Next time I'm going to follow the instructions

Peteff - 2/11/09 at 07:10 PM

Originally posted by dhutchGeoff is still bringing us the fireworks from his supplier but we are doing the rest. We have around a lorry full of dry timber from our neighbourgh who is a building contractor. Food is all planned. Im picking up two boxes of beer from Burton Bridge on the way home on friday

Explosives, fire and alcohol, sounds like a plan Food as well eh ?

gazza285 - 2/11/09 at 07:12 PM

Well charred food of course.

dhutch - 2/11/09 at 07:35 PM

Originally posted by Peteff
Explosives, fire and alcohol, sounds like a plan Food as well eh ?

Its the way forward.
- Very well planned event though in fairness.

Bonfire first, then a two part fireworks display with jacket and sausages in the middle, then its onto the beer. Some may beer early, but not the people who are setting off the fireworks.


caber - 2/11/09 at 08:16 PM

If you want fun go to the dogiest looking temporary firework shop yu can find and se what they have with Chinese writing and iffy looking"English" instructions on a stick on label. These have a good chance of being illegal and will therefore offer a much bigger bang per buck There may be a few duds but what the hell the ones that go tend to really go!


tomgregory2000 - 2/11/09 at 08:32 PM

found the pics of my selection box from last year

See if you can spot the bottle of wine


