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Computer Keyboard Improvements
Mark Allanson - 30/3/04 at 09:59 PM

I have been thinking about this for some time.

My keyboard is designed for some female secretary with manicured nails.

I want one with keys 1" square, 1/2" between the keys and additional buttons.

1, A 'Do as youre bleeping told' button, for those moments when you have given a quite normal request to the computer, but it seems hell bent on doing something else

2, A 'Fuck Off' button, for when the comuter keeps double checking commands given. Like 'Are your sure you want to quit?' and 'Are you really, really sure you want to quit?'

3, A 'Wake up you stupid bastard' button for when it just seems to stop for no reason

4, A 'kill the advert' button which will remove the pop up that wants to know if I want to win $5000,0000,000,000 on the Vuenezuela lottery - guaranteed

Has anyone else got suggestions for additional keys, perhaps we could get ChrisW to patent one in return for a free keyboard for every contributor

stephen_gusterson - 30/3/04 at 10:02 PM

what about the 'any key' to continue when prompted?

the keyboard to your design would be almost 3 feet long



JoelP - 30/3/04 at 10:06 PM

the obligatory big red button of course. and maybe a new one, a jenson button?

plus, my g/f tells me i have trouble with the G one, so maybe a big obvious one somewhere?!?!?

stephen_gusterson - 30/3/04 at 10:19 PM

Originally posted by JoelP
the obligatory big red button of course. and maybe a new one, a jenson button?

somewhere to store the sunglasses as well then...

Staple balls - 30/3/04 at 11:00 PM

Liam - 31/3/04 at 12:02 AM

Rescued attachment keyboard.jpg
Rescued attachment keyboard.jpg

Rorty - 9/4/04 at 07:35 AM

Rescued attachment fuckit.gif
Rescued attachment fuckit.gif

stephen_gusterson - 9/4/04 at 04:10 PM

Originally posted by Rorty

rorty returns!

atb steve

geoff shep - 9/4/04 at 09:21 PM

try this:

geordie windaz two thoosand

sgraber - 9/4/04 at 11:06 PM

I've replaced my Esc key with a bright red one that says 'Panic'.


Findlay234 - 10/4/04 at 10:07 AM

I have seen a pic of a keyboard specifically designed for use with windows. Only three buttons, no guessing which ones: Control, Alt............