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pdf editting help needed please
omega0684 - 27/3/09 at 12:29 AM

how go you cut and paste on a pdf document, i tred highlighting the text and the ctrl + c like you do in word but it doesn't work


Ninehigh - 27/3/09 at 12:34 AM

There are programs out that you can use to convert it to a word document, but it depends on the permissions set. All the books I've got have had copying and printing banned by the author, pita I know but if it doesn't work you'll have to physically type it out yourself

omega0684 - 27/3/09 at 01:22 AM

just downloaded this

Able2Extract Pro 5.0 PDF to Word Excel HTML & Text Converter

worked perfectly! now i have the sva manual in word format, no more copying it out for me, its all about the cut and paste baby!

Ninehigh - 27/3/09 at 01:27 AM

Cool, that was one that I had but it wouldn't work cos I needed the author's password...

omega0684 - 27/3/09 at 01:29 AM

do you want me to u2u the auth code

Ninehigh - 27/3/09 at 01:53 AM

It's not that it's the guy that made the pdf's that I've got banned everyone from converting and printing them

Worzey - 27/3/09 at 07:37 AM

The user can set permissions in the PDF but it is possible to copy and paste provided the PDF isn't an "Image" PDF e.g. the pages where scanned.

Likewise depends on how the security was applied. If it uses Adobe DRM is much harder to get around. However, doesn't sound like it.

Look for some PDF cracking tools (plenty around) - takes a few seconds to get around the security but you'll need to decide for yourself if this breaks any copyrights laws.

P.S. Saving as Word isn't always straight-forward. Look at the order of the text and spacing - it often gets jumbled.

blakep82 - 27/3/09 at 08:06 AM

where are you trying to paste to?

you can copy from a pdf (as long as its a written PDF, and not like where someones scanned the sva manual and saved to pdf


click that box and you can highlight the text and then 'ctrl c', then you can paste into ms word etc, using 'ctrl v'

thats just using one of the recent versions on acrobat reader (not sure how recent, can't remember when i last updated it)

Direction Indicators
& Hazard Warning

Motor Vehicles
On each side
Front – One
Rear – One
Side Repeater –
Plus 2 optional
all vehicles-
Rear only

bte, you can copy a bit on, for example, page one, then go to page 208, then 'shift right click' and 'ctrl c' and it will copy the whole document

[Edited on 27/3/09 by blakep82]

Dusty - 27/3/09 at 02:29 PM

Doesn't Open Office allow you to play with pdf files?

Ninehigh - 27/3/09 at 06:38 PM

Yeah it's scanned from a book, plus I think having these in itself is breaking copyright laws!