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Who made my Locost???
trialsman - 25/3/08 at 09:35 PM

I am trying to find out the pedigree on my British made locost. It has a 1300cc kent with a 4speed. It seems very well made ie: everything fits very nice. Right hand drive. The V5 form says it was owned by a Kevin Tompkins in Burnham Slough??? The name plate has the following stamped on it:
BBAFUB #####
Was it a kit or welded up in a garage? Is Kevin a member on here? I love this car very much. Thanks in advance, Russ "in the good old USA" Amos

[Edited on 26/3/08 by trialsman]

DarrenW - 25/3/08 at 09:47 PM

I hope you fnd what you are looking for. Hopefully the builder wil have some photos for you etc.

Dont post too many details ref cars ID on the form. You never know who is lurking about.

bob - 25/3/08 at 10:38 PM

Put some pictures in your archive, someone might recognise the car

trialsman - 26/3/08 at 01:52 AM

I have tried to post pic's under Russ' Locost but they are not working. I deleted some of the numbers on the plate for security reasons, Russ

Rek - 26/3/08 at 07:55 AM

have you tried using the bt website to get his number from the directory?

iank - 26/3/08 at 08:00 AM

Click for pic Bit big for direct posting
Good luck with the search.

Macbeast - 26/3/08 at 09:47 AM

With that grille and the paint job, it looks like a Caterham. You could ask at if they have any record. On the other hand, if it's not kosher, they might tell you to get their trademark badge off pronto

onzarob - 26/3/08 at 11:43 AM

Originally posted by Macbeast
With that grille and the paint job, it looks like a Caterham. You could ask at if they have any record. On the other hand, if it's not kosher, they might tell you to get their trademark badge off pronto

Its not a Caterham. Nice car though

Marcus - 26/3/08 at 12:35 PM

Definitely early book Locost, with 2CV headlights and no gap above the rear arch.
As to it's history, no idea, sorry.

trialsman - 26/3/08 at 01:44 PM

Yeah, Marcus. That no gap is a pain. I want to make doors for it but that makes it difficult. The car was origionally yellow and red. But I thought it needed a proper paint job. I made the bonnet scoop and wind screen myself. Plus many other mods. Parts for MK2 Escorts are a pain to get in the USA but Capris and Fiestas have a lot of similarities. I wish 1600cc Kents were as plentiful over here as they are in the UK. A rebuilt one goes for $4000 plus. The old 1300cc is real tired. I may replace it with a Suzuki 1300cc twin cam and a Samurai trans. High reving 100hp vs 58hp, Duh. I made the "7" grille out of 3mm brass rod bent and soldered together, then painted yellow. So far the "7" police have not found me yet. Russ

rusty nuts - 26/3/08 at 06:49 PM

Might be worth checking the members list?

Marcus - 27/3/08 at 12:53 PM

Hi Russ, my Locost is also an early book build, to get the required gap above the rear arch for a door closure, i simply lowered the arch by an inch and filled the gap with aluminium sheet. Fortunately doing this had the effect of lining the rear of the arch up with the rear panel bottom line (hard to explain but all is well!)


Thi might explain better!!

trialsman - 27/3/08 at 01:59 PM

Man, what a load. I would be afraid to let the clutch out too fast for fear that I would pop a wheelie. I like your top and door they look great along with the rest of the car. I thought about bending an alum angle along the arch to form a stop but I think it would look bad. I never thought about lowering the wing. Good idea, Russ