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Been busy!
David Jenkins - 2/2/08 at 05:13 PM

I wanted a new oil catch-tank for my car, and rather liked the one used by RazMan - a modified water bottle from Halfords.

Me, being awkward, looked at the top of the bottle, saw that it had a thread inside and decided that I'd make a screw-in cap. Here's what I came up with...

Catch-tank cap
Catch-tank cap

I bought a bracket to go with the water bottle, and an air filter off ebay for a Pound or two, and this is what they look like when assembled...

catch-tank with bracket
catch-tank with bracket

It really was a time-waster, and when in the car it'll hardly be visible, but it will make emptying very easy and I enjoyed working out how to make it (especially turning a 26mm x 2mm thread on the lathe!)

(and no, I'm not going to make one for anyone else!)

matt.c - 2/2/08 at 05:16 PM

OMG! you made that!! That would take me years to do that!

COREdevelopments - 2/2/08 at 05:19 PM

thats neat. must of taken a while but well worth the effort i think!!


piddy - 2/2/08 at 05:38 PM

Looks great, well done.

adithorp - 2/2/08 at 05:40 PM

Vers nice. Are you sure you don't want to make just one more? ;-)

Don't spoil it with a cheap bracket though. Get something like this.


David Jenkins - 2/2/08 at 05:53 PM

Originally posted by adithorp
Don't spoil it with a cheap bracket though. Get something like this.


Eek! Nearly £30, prob plus postage!

I paid £5 for the bottle, £1 or less for the bracket, £2 for the filter and long-ago-paid-for bits and pieces from my stocks of metal.

Oh - and I paid £5.75p today for a fresh bottle of Loctite 603 'cos my 15-year-old bottle of 601 wouldn't stick anything anymore!

speedyxjs - 2/2/08 at 05:56 PM

Wow nice work

adithorp - 2/2/08 at 06:08 PM

...and how many hours?

Tell you what, make me one and I'll buy you a carbom cage. ;-)


David Jenkins - 2/2/08 at 06:16 PM

Originally posted by adithorp
...and how many hours?

There's no point in making a Locost if you're going to cost up the hours! We'd never be able to afford to make one.

It took about 3 - 4 evenings, with however long it took for me to decide that I was getting too cold per evening.

Most of the time was taken up trying to get my thread-cutting to work properly. Even now the thread's a bit flat-topped, but it works, and it's not a structural joint anyway.

bigrich - 2/2/08 at 06:17 PM

very ingenious, i like it very much
nice job David


BenB - 2/2/08 at 06:40 PM

Nice job. Love the knurling....

Confused but excited. - 2/2/08 at 07:41 PM

That's a really posh job!

David Jenkins - 2/2/08 at 07:45 PM

I've come up with one problem - the only place I can fix it is on the engine side of the bulkhead behind the pedals. This means that I won't be able to lift the bottle out of the clip as it'll be under the brake master cylinder, etc.

Plan B is to make some form of bracket that will allow be to pull it out sideways... still, I enjoy a challenge...

[Edited on 2/2/08 by David Jenkins]

Simon - 2/2/08 at 07:50 PM


Very nice indeed.

And I was happy with my blanking plug for remnants of an old distributor (pics on blog later).



roadrunner - 2/2/08 at 08:33 PM

big_wasa - 2/2/08 at 09:32 PM


I will have to look up the screw cutting info on my lathe.

That bracket spoils it a touch imho

David Jenkins - 2/2/08 at 09:40 PM

The bracket's going anyway - it won't work (as I said in my last post). I'm planning some form of clip to hold it... watch this space!

adithorp - 3/2/08 at 11:46 AM

What you need is a side entry bottle cage.

There might be carbon ones but as you said that'd eat into your £250!!
