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is this suitable???
rayward - 15/1/08 at 05:35 PM

for lifting an MK Indy?


COREdevelopments - 15/1/08 at 05:38 PM

well it should be unless your indy weighs about 2ton????

rayward - 15/1/08 at 05:40 PM

look i know its a pinto, but even they're not THAT heavy sureley???.

was more concerned about the lifting points to be honest


COREdevelopments - 15/1/08 at 05:45 PM

i would of thought so as the bottom of the indy is flat am i right? and also the exhaust is not in the way as its on the side. bit expensive aint it?

theconrodkid - 15/1/08 at 06:07 PM

i saw one of those fall over once,make sure hey are well bolted into the ground,about 12" of concrete and 12" rawlbolts

indykid - 15/1/08 at 07:05 PM

something just seems intrinsically wrong about one post lifts.

more to the point, why do you want a lift for an indy?

roadrunner - 15/1/08 at 07:35 PM

Easy, two cars in one garage.

MikeRJ - 15/1/08 at 09:00 PM

Originally posted by indykid
something just seems intrinsically wrong about one post lifts.

Not quite so useful for changing exhausts I reckon

Mark Allanson - 15/1/08 at 09:50 PM

My 2 poster at work is just too high for me to get the legs under - I need to jack the car first to get it on Rescued attachment PICT0425.jpg
Rescued attachment PICT0425.jpg

Danozeman - 15/1/08 at 10:40 PM

My 2 poster at work will lift my locost but i have to wind the pads right down. Much easier on a 4 poster.

That would be suitable for you locost btw.