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what's this?
t.j. - 22/1/07 at 08:59 PM

Anybody know what car this is?
Atom? Then he misses some of the parts around the seat?

jlparsons - 22/1/07 at 09:02 PM

Looks kind of ariel atom? Not sure it is though.

flak monkey - 22/1/07 at 09:03 PM

Yep its an atom. Looks like the sides been cut off to get the driver out after an accident? Judging by the large number of emergency service workers milling around...

roadrunner - 22/1/07 at 09:05 PM

Atom after a spin on the verge, and a big pair of tin snips.

russbost - 22/1/07 at 10:51 PM

Definitely an Atom, Definitely a bit missing!

Bart-Jan - 23/1/07 at 08:52 AM

I live in the Netherlands (where it had happened) and it also was an item on the dutch kitcar forum. It is defenitely an Atom. Although the Dutch press called it a Donkervoort!!! (seven inspired dutch production car, you probably know them; the Dutch press obviously not...). The driver was a 49 years old guy, who lost control over the car. It probably had something to do with the bad wheather and hard wind last week. Here's another picture, showing the ridiculous large license plate at the front of the car... Rescued attachment 2007-01-21-001.jpg
Rescued attachment 2007-01-21-001.jpg