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Robin Hood Engineering sub k kit?
TrickyDicky - 19/5/03 at 08:27 PM

Robin Hood Engineering sub k kit?

hi all,

can anyone give me a view etc on the above kit, looks good value for the price-has anyone built one or know someone who has?

i plan to build a kit with a 1.8 zetec, would this be suitable in a kit?

thanks for your help in advance.


chrisg - 19/5/03 at 08:34 PM

Tricky Mate,

Don't do it, the're rubbish, quality wise and looks

Ask someone who's built one, maybe the new gold couloured kit at £7995(!) is better but I doubt it



Just my opinion of course

TrickyDicky - 19/5/03 at 08:38 PM

thanks Chris.

can you recomend another cheap kit that comprises of chassis and bodywork, other stuff ie engine, box, suspension, brakes, wiring, lights etc etc is no problem-i run a ford spares shop in Walsall.


theconrodkid - 19/5/03 at 08:59 PM

get an MK or luego,i know what im building

TrickyDicky - 19/5/03 at 09:01 PM

ta mate-have they websites?


paulbeyer - 19/5/03 at 09:31 PM


The link for Luego is at the top and bottom of every page MK Engineering are to be found at

MarkD - 19/5/03 at 10:25 PM

Originally posted by TrickyDicky
-i run a ford spares shop in Walsall.


What spares shop in Walsall? (I used to work at Supercar in Ablewell Street in 1985... )

geoff shep - 20/5/03 at 06:00 PM

There are a few past comments on this including my own experiences in this thread:

If you want to peruse some stuff on Hoods, take a look at their builders' site at: - try to read between the lines cos if you ask, they'll say 'the waters lovely, come on in'

Mark Allanson - 20/5/03 at 06:43 PM

I had a real good look at them before I decided on locost (best decision), they are the cheapest possible components joined together using the cheapest possible methods giving the cheapest possible kit.

Fine if thats what you want, but a better, more expensive kit will end up cheaper financially and healthier mentally!! Like the MK, I think it is £3 more expensive than the SubK but light years ahead in quality and design. I made my own chassis, but in hind sight, might have saved all the design work and bought an MK. I havent had a good look at a Luego so I cannot comment, but they seem to be well liked.

If you have any further problems, call the Samaritains!!( or MK or Luego)

[Edited on 20/5/03 by Mark Allanson]

TrickyDicky - 20/5/03 at 06:48 PM


What spares shop in Walsall? (I used to work at Supercar in Ablewell Street in 1985... )

Ford Motor Spares(now A&R Motor Spares Ltd, Lime Lane, Pelsall, WALSALL).

my mate started the business in 1989/1990


MarkD - 21/5/03 at 12:58 PM


My folks live on Wolverhampton Road, near the Pelsall Finger Post. I guess your shop is near Yates?

Have they caught the Royal Oak killer yet?

stephen_gusterson - 21/5/03 at 01:15 PM


Mr Beyer.

Your potato looks like its dampers are shot



TrickyDicky - 21/5/03 at 05:54 PM

Originally posted by MarkD

My folks live on Wolverhampton Road, near the Pelsall Finger Post. I guess your shop is near Yates?

Have they caught the Royal Oak killer yet?

TrickyDicky - 21/5/03 at 05:56 PM

Originally posted by MarkD

My folks live on Wolverhampton Road, near the Pelsall Finger Post. I guess your shop is near Yates?

Have they caught the Royal Oak killer yet?

hi mate

yes the shop is on yates dock yard,

i dont believe theyve got the killer yet-the other afternoon(monday) the nottinghamshire force underwater search team were in the canal.


paulbeyer - 21/5/03 at 11:17 PM

Originally posted by stephen_gusterson

Mr Beyer.

Your potato looks like its dampers are shot




I locked up all four wheels under braking and flat spotted the tyres.

woodie - 27/6/06 at 10:35 AM

Hi, Regarding the comment by ChrisG in response to a question by TrickyDicky who asked about the Robin Hood Sub K, Quote 'Don't do it, the're rubbish, quality wise and looks'. Admitedly ChrisG does qualify this statement by saying 'Just my o
pinion of course'.

All I would suggest to TrickDicky is to follow the other advice given by ChrisG and 'ask someone who has built one'.

Type in 'RHOCAR' on Google and follow the link.

The comment that the Sub K is rubbish in quality and looks seems in my humble opinion to be somewhat blinkered.

The reason it is called a Sub K is because RHSC (Nee RHE) wanted to produce a car for the home builder for less than £1K (hence Sub K)

So it would be reasonable to expect the component issue to be fairly basic. ie. Mild Steel Chassis and panels, not Stainless, although many Sub K builders upgraded to Stainless Panels.

However, as for 'Quality', the end product is only as good as the builder, so this could lead one to assume ChrisG built a Sub K but wasn't entirely happy with his work?

Or perhaps has not built one and therefore may not really qualified to make such comments?

At the end of the day any builder and/or owner of any Lotus 7 Inspired Sportscar (LSISC) of course will have their own favourite, but surely shouldn't really diss other Manufaturers or models?

For the benefit of TrickDicky attached is a pic of my own Sub K built to a very high standard which flew through the SVA first time.
Col (Taunton) Rescued attachment Sub K.jpg
Rescued attachment Sub K.jpg

ned - 27/6/06 at 10:40 AM

FYI the last response before your post on this thread is over 3 years old and not all of the above members still post on here.


woodie - 27/6/06 at 01:04 PM

Thanks Ned, but I knew that anyway. Maybe the website admin should clear out the old posts? But then the argument would be some posts however old are still relevant and people still read any updates.
All the best

James - 27/6/06 at 01:48 PM

Originally posted by woodie
But then the argument would be some posts however old are still relevant and people still read any updates.
All the best

Damn straight!

I'm always refering back to old posts stored in my favourites.


MikeRJ - 27/6/06 at 03:59 PM

As said the quality of any car is heavily dependant on the builder. However, I was looking at either a SubK or a 2B a few years ago, and to me the design of the chassis was really quite poor, with very little triangulation, and the use of the unmodified sierra rear beam which gives silly amounts of camber without modification.

A fairly recent post on here gave the results of a torsional test on a 2B which showed that it had all the rigidity of a wet paper bag.

The "sliding pillock" front suspension is a horrible design which should have been scrapped before it left the back of the fag packet.

I actualy bought an old RH which used a Cortina front subframe and rear axle. I have never in my life seen a more hideous interpretation of a Se7en, and I did it a favour by using it as a donor for my Locost.

That said, the new tubular chassis shown at this years shows looks an order of magnitude better in terms of design and build quality, and the lightweight chassis is certainly an interesting design, the finished car is probably the best looking RH to date.