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Mezzz - 30/4/06 at 06:45 PM

Well I went to stonelighe today looking to buy a car....

But I did not see a single BEC that grabbed me

Any one see any thing that I missed?

Mezzz - 30/4/06 at 06:58 PM


graememk - 30/4/06 at 06:58 PM

my uncle bought a westi

Mezzz - 30/4/06 at 06:59 PM


fesycresy - 30/4/06 at 07:05 PM

There was a blue blade engined 7, looked like a Stuart Taylor.

Only walked past, but looked very well built.

chockymonster - 30/4/06 at 07:08 PM

For that sort of money you'd be looking at a nice Vortx RT.
I maybe biased but I still reckon that their chassis design is one of the best of the lot.

Brooky - 1/5/06 at 07:16 AM

Mezzz, you have a U2U.

jonno - 1/5/06 at 08:34 PM

Theres one here.
£6250 ono
ntdwm Rescued attachment 689762.jpg
Rescued attachment 689762.jpg

iank - 1/5/06 at 08:48 PM

Wouldn't want to be a passenger with that petty bar.
It's also down as a hatchback

Otherwise worth a look.

Mezzz - 1/5/06 at 11:26 PM

Well I dont trust it.......

If its is not a member on here then I am a little hesitant about getting it.

I will get one new or off of some one from here .

Plus what is going on with that bar?

None the less thats for showing me

ned - 2/5/06 at 06:23 AM

can double the comments that the turquoiseish stuart taylor bike engine thingy in the barn like bit next to the trade stands hall looked nice but didn't look very sva'd to me.
