well, i keep buying things for my engine for example, when the chassis isn't rolling yet. Is there anyone else out there who buys things on
impulse becasue they're available/cheap, even if it doesn't really help the current situation of the build?
Hi Ned i brought little side screens for the side of my windscreen from ebay before i had the metal to build the chassis is that thinking far enough
I did too much of that in the early days... much of which I didn't need in the end.
I have a box of perfectly good odds and sods that I can't be bothered to advertise and sell.
I don't suffer from that, but I do suffer from CANTFINISHAJOB-ITUS
I start something like fitting body panels and then decide to completely re-wire something or move a brake line. It really is very annoying as it
makes for very slow progress
I on my 3rd radiator having ditched the first Micra one in a fit of stupidity and then getting a Polo one. I have now got another Micra one and
decided to use that.
Anybody want a Polo rad ?
I got a facet red top fuel pump before deciding on the engine only to find that a pinto on carbs is fine with the mechanical one.
Also bought Sparco Evo mechanics overalls so i at least look the part when wondering what the hell to do next.
Most useful tool so far - notepad and pen - to write down those jobs that have to be done later (tightening of suspension etc) and also to plan what
jobs to do next.
I have most parts needed to complete it even though the chassis isn't rolling yet(and it's been 2-years!!)
I brought cycle wing struts right at the begining of the build, then shortly after getting the chassis, changed the plan to swept wings.
Spent a few bob rebuilding a 1300 xflow only to sack it off and get a 1600, which will now be changed to a 1750, if I can get it before my mate
changes his mind.
gear shifter before i got my wishbone bushes
clocks for bike engine before i got my diff sorted out
speedo sender for clocks before i even have the ally to make the floor
i think we are all guilty of it at some level.
first think i bought were some carbon mirrors, and front indicators. i think its perfectly logical (at least thats what i keep tellling myself).
but there is one small problem, as a result of buying all these 'cheap' things, i cant afford to get the bits i really need
I think it's ok, if you find a real bargain, then jump in and get it.
Like i bought a set of twin 45's dellorto's for £90 before the engines even built/fitted. But at £90 who would say no.
If it's impulse from a shop, you might as well wait and see what pops up on ebay,etc.
By what you don't need yet ---- its the evil curse of ebay !!!!
ive got 4 spare bike engines... does that win some sort of award?! plus all the usual spare stuff...
Just bought headlights and this is the most recent photo of my car...
Rescued attachment latest_photo.jpg
I am the reverse position, my car is finished bar the paint (waiting to finish all the christmas harvest of crashed cars first).
I have a large box filled with stuff that I have bought all through the build and then changed my mind
I must get it all photographed and put into the for sale section and the ebay the rest
I have an engine, wheels, driveshafts and diff, rear hubs, about to pick up another engine, steering column, gearbox, tons of other bits and My chassis is currently not finnished!!
I don't think it's a bad thing at all to have loads of the parts early on.
If you've built and painted your chassis and then buy new bits that need brackets etc. welded on it's a damn site more hassle taking off the
paint, welding and then re-painting than it would be if you had them in the first place.
I know I wish I'd had my bodywork and seats a couple of years ago!
Have you ever noticed that the parts you dont really need yet are always for sale at the wrong time and for a good deal. If you wait until you do actually need them they are never available or twice the price and put delays on the build.
My Chassis is half done but rev-counter and hydraulic shifter is here.
Front suspension
Hmm I am having simmilar problems to the rest of you.
In the last month I have bought 3 Rover v8's. Two are now in Ivor Searle's being worked on. The other just needs cleaning and reassembling,
as its fairly good (Last one I bought, and just cos it was for sale!)
I just bought the Clecko's... but have already finished all the panelling bar two bits.
Even the new shed, a Boxed in Carport, has locks on the inside.. so I can shut myself in.
Worst of all the good sized budget has shrunk badly due to an infection of Ebayitis.
I am not sure I know what I am doing anymore
I bought me wishbones and trailing arms a couple of years ago and hadent even started me chassis. Last year i got virtually a whole mk2 escort bar the body and front suspension and some more wishbones and trailing arms. I just bought the cleco kit. I got a shortened prop about 3 years ago cos it was cheap and i still aint got me chassis to put it all on!!!
One of the first things I bought for my newly cleared out garage was a white board because I thought it would be 'dead handy'. Only thing
I've used it for was writing darts scores on.
Oh yeah, I bought a dart board too for the times when I needed something to throw stuff about
Ive just realised i actually have 2 sets of top wishbones and 2 sets of trailing arms. Still no chassis.
The problem with buying bits early is that you can't find them when you need them !
The other problem is that you forget you bought them and buy them again !!
Been there done that ?
I find that quite often once I have bought a part, later on I change my mind and want to use something else, so maybe eventually I will have enough
cast off parts to build another car!
Fred WB
Originally posted by Snuggs
The other problem is that you forget you bought them and buy them again !!
Been there done that ?
I was going through my reciepts last night. I bought an immobiliser before id decided what kit to purchase. Also did a deal on a Pug 205 with wild 1.9 engine on twin carbs as a donor before realising it was a nightmare to convert to rwd. Swapped it to a mate for bits more useful. I did keep the red top furl pump and snap off kit from it though so not all bad.