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What a nice, safe hobby this is...
David Jenkins - 11/1/05 at 07:47 PM

As I read through this forum, I wonder why so many of us are still alive!

So far, we've had...

  1. A car dropped off its stand onto one owner.
  2. A multitude of cars stuffed into the scenery.
  3. Several small garage fires.
  4. A multitude of injuries varying from minor to quite nasty.
  5. Illness caused by inhaling grinder dust.

I think I'll take up sky-diving!
Anyone care to add to the list?


andylancaster3000 - 11/1/05 at 07:59 PM

I'm scared now! I find it funny how we all assume that the driving part of locosting is the most dangerous part, but it seems that the building may be just as dangerous!. Driving is only one of your list of 5 incidents!


gazza285 - 11/1/05 at 07:59 PM

Is there no bankrupcy and divorce in here?

David Jenkins - 11/1/05 at 08:16 PM

I'll admit to a small number of minor fires (grinder sparks and welding spatter usually), inumerable cuts due to sharp edges and spikes, spanner rash, hand grinder burns ("oh, I won't bother with gloves for this little job." ), and nearly broken a bone when the leg of my folding engine hoist fell across my foot.
Oh yes - I also got a nasty rash on my hands from handling the exhaust wrap (think of fibreglass insulation, but with ceramic fibres instead).

rusty nuts - 11/1/05 at 08:47 PM

David, think you will find the nearest drop zone to you is at Chatteris in Cambridgeshire, but the bad news is it is in no way Locost and as a spectator sport sky diving 's a real pain in the neck . Rusty

David Jenkins - 11/1/05 at 08:56 PM

I really hate it when someone calls my bluff...


Jon Ison - 11/1/05 at 09:09 PM

would we have it any other way ????

I do know of one locoster who said it saved his maridge, prior to building car he was out on the p155 all time.

this stuffin cars into hedges, the iccle buggers are a tad fast and allways look like they should be driven that way too, bit like gettin on a motorbike.

Be carfull out there.

donut - 11/1/05 at 09:25 PM

Yup,,, Still safer than motorbikes!!

I always wanted a bike when i was a kid so when i was old enough i borrowed my brothers 50cc moped to pop down the shops.........................Never wanted one since!!!!

carnut - 11/1/05 at 10:11 PM

I got my arm trapped between the engine and chassis while trying to tighten up an oil pipe union. Took my about 5 mins to work it free.

907 - 11/1/05 at 11:19 PM

I'v got this on the wall above my treadle guillotine to remind
me of what happened a while ago.

One foot on the treadle bar, and one underneath it.

Paul G aka Dickhead Rescued attachment Big toe s.jpg
Rescued attachment Big toe s.jpg

Hellfire - 12/1/05 at 12:54 AM

Originally posted by 907
I'v got this on the wall above my treadle guillotine to remind
me of what happened a while ago.

One foot on the treadle bar, and one underneath it.

Paul G aka Dickhead

You mean - NO SAFETY BOOTS???

Rorty - 12/1/05 at 04:35 AM

I'd guess all the injuries are a result of amateurs in a foreign environment. I wonder if this was a trade only forum if you'd hear about the same number of incidents.

907 - 12/1/05 at 08:08 AM

Well, I'v got no excuse then.

I'v been " playing with metal " (work wise) for 33 years now, and I still " cock up ".

My party piece is playing a HF Tig arc up and down my finger.
Must take a photo of that.

Paul G

VinceGledhill - 12/1/05 at 10:10 AM

I've not been doing much on the car of late because I've been learning how to hang glide

Got to be safer... was my school.


andyharding - 12/1/05 at 10:18 AM

My closest call was knocking my pub C02 bottle over and smashing the regulator off it.

The loudest noise ever!

Thought a jet fighter was landing in the garage

chrisg - 12/1/05 at 06:16 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
As I read through this forum, I wonder why so many of us are still alive!

So far, we've had...

  1. A car dropped off its stand onto one owner.
  2. A multitude of cars stuffed into the scenery.
  3. Several small garage fires.
  4. A multitude of injuries varying from minor to quite nasty.
  5. Illness caused by inhaling grinder dust.

I think I'll take up sky-diving!
Anyone care to add to the list?


Well I've had 1, 3 and 4

Found out last week that I've got to have my damaged spleen removed.

I used to be a devil may care Locoster but I'll tell you what I'm very careful now.

Don't let it be you, lets be careful out there..........



Peteff - 12/1/05 at 07:40 PM

Did you have any shoes on? That looks like a good excuse to limp.

907 - 12/1/05 at 09:17 PM

Ummmm, trainers.

The worst bit was when the blister burst.

Paul G