Are there any girls building locosts?
My wife was just interested. Perhaps she's considering a build. I've got a V8 she can use.
my 14 year old daughter has said she wants to help me(when i get started).hope she knows her nails wont last long
my girlfriend has mentioned that she wants to help : Problems
1, it would mean she will be in "my" space in the garage
2, when you ask her for a left handed screwdriver she will spend hours searching through the tool box trying to find one.
In conclusion - she can stick to the domestic chores while I go off and play
(i'm not a sexist honest, just miffed off having to take her into work for 6am this morning on my only day off this week)
my daughter helped me shes great at sorting out nuts and bolts and has a real knack for getting right under my feet but she is only 6 so i dont suppose it really counts!!!!!!!! (but now its on the road she wants picking up from school in it)
also my wife showed an interest in my"kitcar" magazine and came to the conclusion i could build her a pink beach buggy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Buy her a pink beaked budgie and tell her you didn't hear her properly.
I know a female builder who is nearly finished building, she's awaiting her SVA date or so she tells me...
oi ned,were suposed to make out its a difficult and manly thing to do
My 22 month old daughter has worked out how to use a spanner,so I'm hoping she'll show me soon.
She also sits in the chassis with an imaginary steering wheel. She has not seen me doing that because I always check to see that no one is looking.
My 21 year old daughter wont sit in it because there is no vanity mirror on the back of the non existant sun visor
Well Mark, she's really going to enjoy the trip back to uni in it then.
No chance, not with all the cr@p, sorry, essential stuff she will be taking back, it filled the car and a 5'x3 1/2' trailor when I brought her home - 90mph with an unbraked trailor, is that over the limit officer?
Originally posted by Mark Allanson
My 21 year old daughter
OK Hippy here is one, she and her mates bought 3 large bottles of bubble bath in Bristols superdrug and added it to the fountain in the City
Rescued attachment Naughty Ruth.JPG
Aren't students ace...