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Where's Mr H!?
scootz - 12/9/09 at 12:17 AM

Not seen any posts from John Henderson... anyone know where he's gone (if he's gone)?

mookaloid - 12/9/09 at 12:39 AM

gone to haynes forum

I think he fell out with a few people on here.....

Fozzie - 12/9/09 at 12:44 AM

Last online here, Thursday evening......

D Beddows - 12/9/09 at 12:51 AM

The standard of grammar is probably better over there

I must admit I never really understood why he got so wound up about things which in the greater scheme of life are so trivial (this is only an internet forum after all for heavens sake!) but each to their own.........

oldtimer - 12/9/09 at 06:05 AM

I guess he voted with his feet after being on the receiving end of some unpleasantness on this site. I think his quiet withdrawal from posting here was in keeping with his character. And, yes, he did want an apology for the rudeness he was on the receiving end of - something he never got.

ReMan - 12/9/09 at 06:40 AM

Doing somersets in a better and grammatically correct place
Certainly had some opinions that wound up many others
Would be interested to know How he's getting on with his kit car business?

Guinness - 12/9/09 at 07:21 AM

He posts quite a bit on Pistonheads:- big is the UK kit car market?

and was looking for more help:-

So things must be going pretty well.

I think there will always be a market for finishing stalled builds. But as ever you need to get a cast iron contract / scope of works / payment profile.


Dangle_kt - 12/9/09 at 07:33 AM

he comes on to see whats going on, and checks pm's, replies etc.

I think he thought he got a bit of a bum deal, and felt bullied - and he decided not to let it slide, so left.

Everyone was saying "its a forum, so people can do what they want" - I assume he took that to its logical conclusion and decided he could do what he wanted, and not post anymore.

His business seems to be going ok which is good news.

mookaloid - 12/9/09 at 08:17 AM

There's a lot fewer arguments here since he went....

mr henderson - 12/9/09 at 08:32 AM

Originally posted by Fozzie
Last online here, Thursday evening......

Indeed I was, I have got into the habit of looking at the for sale adverts and checking to see if there was anything else happening that I needed to know about. This thread would seem to fall into that category

How is my business doing? It’s doing OK, I’ve got enough work but it doesn’t pay very much and in any case was only ever a stepping stone to my becoming a kit manufacturer with my own design. As a result of the Pistonheads thread that I started things have taken a major step forward, and unless something goes badly wrong then I expect to have something very interesting on the road in a few months time. It won’t be a seven, but that’s no bad thing as there really are enough of those around already.

For the avoidance of doubt, the reason why I stopped posting on this forum was that it was apparent that I was unpopular, and that because of that it was OK for certain people to make remarks about me personally.

I daresay the majority of my unpopularity stems from the way I express myself in writing. But that’s just my way. I like to write in sentences and I like to use capital letters. I did, once, start a thread about capital letters, mostly in jest although I thought that there was no harm in drawing attention to the declining standards in written English. I recognise that many people feel there is no harm in letting those standards slip, equally I think there is no harm in putting forward an opinion about it for other people to consider. If that makes me unpopular well that’s OK, I can live with that. But there’s quite a step between considering a person to be unpopular, and actually making personal remarks about him, and I think it’s a step too far.

I don’t remember commenting on anyone’s grammar or spelling, and would be grateful if anyone could find a thread that shows that I did. If such a post could be found then I would need to retract it (whoops, started a sentence with a conjunction there, none of us are perfect).

Anyway, my main point is that we all have opinions about the various people we come into contact with, even on line. I have an opinion about many of the people here, at least those that post often enough for me to form one. I expect the same is true of most of the rest of us. But I keep those opinions to myself, which is where they belong. And nearly everyone else here does too. Which is a really good thing. However, one poster, Steve Hignett, formed an opinion about me and made it public. I started a thread about forum etiquette, focusing on this point, and it turned out that most of the people who contributed to the thread thought that what he had done was OK, mainly because of my unpopularity. I should point out that I also hold an opinion about Mr Hignett, but if I am going to practice what I preach then I need to keep that opinion to myself.

By the way, I didn‘t ask for an apology, but I did ask him to justify his remark (about my ‘ridiculous posts’). Naturally he was unable to do so, and therefore chose not to respond.

So, perhaps the question should be rephrased and asked again, “is it ok to make your opinions about other posters public, especially if they are derogatory?”. I say no, it isn’t, and I wouldn’t want to be involved in a forum where slagging off other posters was tolerated. What do you say?

prawnabie - 12/9/09 at 08:40 AM

This was covered extensively in your previous post, why would you want to start another thread and get the same answers?

You "seem" to be a person who gets easy would up and cannot easily see the saracasm meant in written words (no offence John I know plenty of people like that!). Judging buy that, I cannot see this thread being any different to the last.

Good luck on the new project though!

[Edited on 12/9/09 by prawnabie]

BenB - 12/9/09 at 09:23 AM

I think I must forget to check the forum sub-directory "pissing competitions". Come on peeps, this is a forum. People are going to have differences of opinions. Best not to come to blows.

For the record, though, I do find the "drives superb" absolutely infuriating in car adverts... Unfortunately, it's almost become an obligatory part of a car advert!!!

MikeRJ - 12/9/09 at 09:50 AM

Originally posted by mr henderson
So, perhaps the question should be rephrased and asked again, “is it ok to make your opinions about other posters public, especially if they are derogatory?”. I say no, it isn’t, and I wouldn’t want to be involved in a forum where slagging off other posters was tolerated. What do you say?

I say that PH is (in general) infinitely worse for this kind of behaviour than LCB. I guess if you stick to the kit car forum then you don't see this as they tend to be quite well behaved.

MakeEverything - 12/9/09 at 09:56 AM

Well, If its any consolation John, Some of your posts i find very amusing and not everyone understands your humour.

I have an "older" friend that lives in Ireland that used to post on the Brookmans Park forum (Funnily enough, he's called John also), as a very opinionated and often 'Wind up merchant' forum member. His humour was very dry, and was quite often taken either the wrong way or misunderstood completely.
Thats not to say that i think you are the same, far from it, but i recognise that not all posts can be as they first read.

I remember there being one topic that we had fairly stiff posts regarding Accidents. We both had our views and all were entitled to their opinions and perspectives. Thats what a forum is for.

From memory, (and i suppose im revealing my opinion here, correctly or not), i always thought you to be a source of farily reliable knowledge, and due to the fact that you have a 'Kit finishers' business, must know at least some of what you are talking about. How many of us would prefer to build kit cars as a sideline or main income? - How many have achieved this? - So, that speaks volumes in my mind.

All the best with the business, and the new project. Needless to say, if you want an honest (Constructuve) opinion you will get one on here.

Speak to you soon.

Confused but excited. - 12/9/09 at 11:02 AM

Originally posted by ReMan
Doing somersets in a better and grammatically correct place

So, as I understand it, he is now on the Haynes forum going oo ar, oo ar then.

Ninehigh - 12/9/09 at 11:34 AM

Got a linky for the kit you're creating?

mr henderson - 12/9/09 at 12:05 PM

Originally posted by prawnabie
This was covered extensively in your previous post, why would you want to start another thread and get the same answers?

Errrrrrrrr, actually it wasn't me that started it. Some people were wondering where I was, and as the thread was actually about me, I thought it appropriate to answer.

Seeing as the subject has come up again, and I've kind of got involved, I will wait and see what people here think about what sort of stuff it's ok and what sort of stuff it's not ok to say, and if the consensus is that it's ok to say whatever you think and without any kind of supporting material, then I might let fly with a few thoughts of my own about one or two of the people here.

mookaloid - 12/9/09 at 12:17 PM

Here we go again Description

Ninehigh - 12/9/09 at 12:18 PM

Originally posted by mookaloid
Here we go again Description

Yeah, and I was just interested in the kit car he'd designed

scootz - 12/9/09 at 12:46 PM

There you are! Just checking that nothing untoward had happened to you.

As someone who has 'crossed swords' a few times with you in the past regarding social issues, I understand some of the 'prickly' suggestions on this thread, but got to say that your know-how and general input is missed!

Think it's fair to say we're all different, and that 'intent' is often misconstrued when breaking-down type written word.

Not telling you what to do John, but you can decide what debate you want to get involved in and what not!

Ps... this was never intended as a 'stirring' thread. My Q has been answered (thanks), so perhaps we can leave it there.

mark chandler - 12/9/09 at 12:54 PM

As an independent person with no axe to grind if I was a trader I would volunteer a little information but steer clear of anything political.

Arguments on forums damage business!

Andy of AB racing and Malc of Yorkshire engines being good examples of how to work this.

They pay for trader status and sell product, offer useful non-contentious advice without arguing the finer points then retire gracefully.

They receive lots of praise for their services by whoever uses them, I cannot recall a single derogatory comment for either so have struck the perfect balance.

Why not just follow this example, participate in the forum in a positive manner and avoid these messy mail trails.

Regards Mark

mookaloid - 12/9/09 at 01:21 PM

Originally posted by mark chandler
As an independent person with no axe to grind if I was a trader I would volunteer a little information but steer clear of anything political.

Arguments on forums damage business!

Andy of AB racing and Malc of Yorkshire engines being good examples of how to work this.

They pay for trader status and sell product, offer useful non-contentious advice without arguing the finer points then retire gracefully.

They receive lots of praise for their services by whoever uses them, I cannot recall a single derogatory comment for either so have struck the perfect balance.

Why not just follow this example, participate in the forum in a positive manner and avoid these messy mail trails.

Regards Mark

good post

MakeEverything - 12/9/09 at 01:50 PM

Originally posted by mookaloid
Originally posted by mark chandler
As an independent person with no axe to grind if I was a trader I would volunteer a little information but steer clear of anything political.

Arguments on forums damage business!

Andy of AB racing and Malc of Yorkshire engines being good examples of how to work this.

They pay for trader status and sell product, offer useful non-contentious advice without arguing the finer points then retire gracefully.

They receive lots of praise for their services by whoever uses them, I cannot recall a single derogatory comment for either so have struck the perfect balance.

Why not just follow this example, participate in the forum in a positive manner and avoid these messy mail trails.

Regards Mark

good post

Very good post, but to contribute and on the same note - if you want to open something for discussion or debate, then be prepared for these messy mail trails.

twybrow - 12/9/09 at 03:12 PM

I hope to see Mr H post more often - I like his avatar!