I know its been discussed on here many times before and I have done a search but I can't find the basic info that I need.
I've just bought a lovely caravan for the pricely sum of £40.
Lovely isn't she...
I'm going to do the obvious and turn it into a trailer. I've heard that the ali of the sides and lid of the van are ali and can be valuable
as scrap. how do I get these off without wrecking them?
Also where should I be looking to buy any metal from which I may need to reinforce the chassis and make trailer ramps from? Does anyone know of
anywhere in the Bristol (clevedon) area?
Any other hints and tips are greatly appreciated as this is my first caravan and I'm going to enjoy tearing it to pieces!
many thanks,
^^^^ "I've heard that the ali of the sides and lid of the van are ali and can be valuable as scrap."
Blasphemy! Burn him! Burn him!
Can't see that I'm gonna be able to use any of it. The pic is showing the good side of the van.
i think as 'scrap' they're not too worried about condition. could be all shredded into strips, and crunched up.
sweet, that means a chain saw, sledge hammer and brute force aren't ruled out then.
I'm going to enjoy this!
as much fun as chainsaws and hammers are: a low bridge is a much quicker, more elegant solution.
i shouldn't think so, its all going to get melted down before its recycled isn't it?
I took my caravan apart with a small hand axe! Just work your way along the glue lines chopping away merrily until you've got a pile of ali
sheet lying there. I took all the internal wood and windows out first which made the whole thing a bit flimsy and dangerous, but it was a whole load
of fun and netted me £54 in scrap value.
Great fun...
Jus rip it all apart with a hammer then strap the ali to the chassis and use that to tow it to the scrappies.
This was once a caravan, I used 40x40x4mm angle to make the beds welded on to the original chassis.
i know some people weld in some extra channels to beef it up but i didnt see it necessary as its not carrying that much weight. Although i have had
just over a tonne on there. Tows perfect.
the only thing i would change is the bed is highish so the weight is high but its not a problem when towing just needs longer ramps. So try and get
you bed as low as you can which is ahrd with the axles etc.
Here's a thought, what about strenghening the rear panel. Hinging it and emptying the inside to make it into a shuttle.
would obviously need to strengthen the chassis anyway...
Quickest way:
Is now:
I once stayed by Bala Lake in that caravan, now I tow it behind my camper...
Originally posted by Mark G
Also where should I be looking to buy any metal from which I may need to reinforce the chassis and make trailer ramps from? Does anyone know of anywhere in the Bristol (clevedon) area?