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Car cover, where did you get yours?
Mark G - 5/4/09 at 10:50 AM

I'm looking on egay at the mo at car covers, Ideally I'd want one tailered to a locost size but for my budget thats not going to happen. I'm looking at THIS ONE.

Looks like a pretty good buy to me but has anyone found any better one's for less elsewhere?

coozer - 5/4/09 at 10:52 AM

Got mine in Aldi for £7.99, good for in the garage but wouldn't expect it to last outside.


Mark Allanson - 5/4/09 at 10:59 AM

I have the silvered one from Hafrauds, I used to use it as my outside permanent cover. The first one lasted 12 month which I thought was quite good considering we had snow, gales, rain, stray cats etc.

I bought a new one to use as a weekend away cover. It is ideal for that. The inside is very soft and will not scratch the car.


Mark Allanson - 5/4/09 at 11:03 AM

I knew I had a pickie somewhere Rescued attachment cover.jpg
Rescued attachment cover.jpg

Mark G - 5/4/09 at 11:04 AM

might take a look in halfords later, its only going to cover the car in the garage anyway so doesnt have to be to robust

BenB - 5/4/09 at 11:09 AM

I got mine from SoftbitsforSevens. Very nice it is too!! Hugs the cars shape nicely and packs away nice and small so i can stow it in a footwell. Not cheap though (not sure how much it was exactly though as got it as a present).

greggors84 - 5/4/09 at 12:29 PM

Got mine from Halfords, small car cover. Cant remember how much it was, around a tenner maybe?