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ianclark1275 - 24/1/25 at 12:03 PM


I Spoke an old dear and her daughter in local pub last night as i sat down to watch B&C, and she had never heard of it - unbelievable jeff

Anyone watch B&C ?

The ford badge next to the gearstick on that white focus last night was hurting my eyes, that cant be original

jacko - 24/1/25 at 05:41 PM

Yes I like to watch it .
A mate of mine bought it blue capri from them about two years ago
Nice car

scudderfish - 24/1/25 at 07:06 PM

Errr.... What is it?

jacko - 25/1/25 at 02:57 PM

It’s a programme on tv sky that is called bangers and cash
It’s a auction place that sells every thing car related the owners is called Mathewson

ianclark1275 - 25/1/25 at 03:12 PM

Originally posted by jacko
Yes I like to watch it .
A mate of mine bought it blue capri from them about two years ago
Nice car

Yeah same, i like to watch also - early days were in the village hall and after Covid its been online only now. Except the Live event in the summer once a year.

Ive sold a few cars there tbf

ianclark1275 - 25/1/25 at 03:18 PM

Originally posted by scudderfish
Errr.... What is it?

TV Series for people who like vehicles of all descriptions id say

Channel 27 Freeview Thursdays 8pm

Also have a YouTube channel

Heres Derrick talking about a Morris Minor that did £44k recently