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Valve seat protrusion
coyoteboy - 4/5/14 at 02:19 PM

Stripped the head of my fun tin top down today (after a ringland failure), cleaned up the carbon a bit and spotted this rather excessive protrusion. Seems ripe for creating hotspots to me!

ST185 Valve Seat protrusion
ST185 Valve Seat protrusion

coyoteboy - 8/5/14 at 07:21 PM

Shocked no one had an opinion on this!

Bluemoon - 8/5/14 at 10:12 PM

Looks odd are the other cylinders the same?

coyoteboy - 9/5/14 at 01:51 AM

Yes, all the same. Wondering if someone has rwplaced the seats (badly) at some point.