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Toyota Yaris Clutch Change
ReMan - 9/8/13 at 11:03 PM

My challenge if I choose to accept it....
Will I do it, over the weekend, on my own on the drive?

Any tips?

Mark Allanson - 10/8/13 at 02:31 PM

Press my [www]

ReMan - 10/8/13 at 03:49 PM

Thanks Mark.
Not sure what I'm supposed to see. Is there a mobile Toyata mechanic on his way to do it for me?

I've made a start on it even though I cant get a clutch kit till monday, and aI 'b beginning to wish I hadn't. I cant work out how to get the driveshafts out at the moment so drinking tea!

Edited to add: I've managed to pop the driveshafts loose at the gearbox end now, just working out if I can get them out without take the wheels and hubs off, hope so els i'm going to be a bit stuffed

[Edited on 10/8/13 by ReMan]

ReMan - 17/8/13 at 07:22 PM

Manuals got, clutch bought, engine crane snuck in under the cover of darkness, saturday used up and me very knackered but the new clutch is in and the gearbox is back in and the engine is back on it's mounts. Hoping that a fine Sunday morning will get the all the othetr bits and bobbs back in to finish it......

Mark Allanson - 17/8/13 at 09:16 PM

I love it when a plan comes together!

ReMan - 17/8/13 at 09:33 PM

yaris clutch
yaris clutch

Not very exiting, but you get the picture

Mark Allanson - 17/8/13 at 09:41 PM

Oh, the joys!

PeteForsyth - 6/1/18 at 09:15 PM

Just came across this thread. How did you get the clearance to slide the gearbox off the engine?

rusty nuts - 7/1/18 at 08:17 AM

Originally posted by PeteForsyth
Just came across this thread. How did you get the clearance to slide the gearbox off the engine?

You lower the engine just enough , even doing the job on your back it should be possible in less than a day . Probably one of the easiest modern clutches to do if nothing is siezed.

ReMan - 7/1/18 at 10:18 AM

I don’t recall that hard just twisting the engine and pushing down on the gearbox and obviously the wheel hub on the passenger side is off already I can’t recall whether I took the engine off its mountings or not but as mentioned I didn’t find it too hard. With a bit of persuasion
Bit of a fiddle to get it back on again lined up good luck with it