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Reverse Bleeper on truck
gavin174 - 10/6/12 at 05:05 PM

Afternoon All

I have just bought a 7.5 tonne race truck and want to fit a reverse warning bleeper.

I have got a durite 24v bleeper that I can wire into the reverse lamps,
but i would like to do it so if the side lights are on the bleeper does not work.

can I wire the live to the reverse lamps and the earth throught a relay controlled by the sidelights,
so that when the sidelights are on the earth is disconnected
if so can anyone recommend a 24v relay and help with a wiring diagram please

thanks in advance


philw - 10/6/12 at 05:18 PM

Would it not be easier to put a manual overide switch on the dash somewhere? so you can switch it off if necessary.

gavin174 - 10/6/12 at 05:26 PM

I could run override switch to dash.. But means running cable the length of the truck
And then allowing for the tilt of the cab etc
Just thought it would be easier to have an automatic override, can't forget it that way

rusty nuts - 10/6/12 at 05:34 PM

Have a look at the Durite catalogue IIRC they list various relays some of which may do the job but not sure if they are available in 24v

Hector.Brocklebank - 10/6/12 at 05:37 PM

All our new trucks at work have a manual override switch in the dash for the reverse siren, which according to both Mercedes and MAN is a technically superior way do things, they use a two core wire switching live, the reason for this is that the switch can have a tell tale on it.

And running a cable up to the dash allowing for cab tilt is not an issue, you just insert it in the conduit that's already there, as most manufacturers wire in empty conduit on the production line just for the insertion of accessories.

stef030 - 10/6/12 at 06:05 PM

all our trucks have a override switch in the cab,
I think its illegal to use after 10 pm the same as a car horn


jacko - 10/6/12 at 06:08 PM

If i remember right the revers horn must be turned off between 11pm and 730 am by law so if you reverse at 6am light mornings no lights on then the horn will work

All buses have over ride switches fitted for this reason

balidey - 10/6/12 at 06:25 PM

Most reverse bleepers we have fitted to our trucks come as 'night silent' as standard, there is a reverse and a sidelight feed.
It is as you say just a relay built in to the bleeper.

gavin174 - 10/6/12 at 06:40 PM

thanks all

Originally posted by balidey
Most reverse bleepers we have fitted to our trucks come as 'night silent' as standard, there is a reverse and a sidelight feed.
It is as you say just a relay built in to the bleeper.

this seems the easiest way to do it, but the durite bleeper only has 2 wires so i need to get the relay separately....
seems the easiest way to do it, as if i want to turn it off i only have to turn the sidelights on...

sm1ggles - 10/6/12 at 07:46 PM

you can get a 3 wire reverse bleeper one to reverse and one earth the other goes to the side light no relay just bleeper and 3 wires should be in any durite or ttc book

paulf - 11/6/12 at 09:46 PM

That seems a bit strange to me , never realised that reverse warning sounders don't work at night.Presumably its ok to run someone over at night when it is harder to see them in the way?

blakep82 - 11/6/12 at 09:58 PM

Originally posted by paulf
That seems a bit strange to me , never realised that reverse warning sounders don't work at night.Presumably its ok to run someone over at night when it is harder to see them in the way?

yeah, just don't wake them up while you do it

balidey - 12/6/12 at 09:06 PM

Statistically you're more likely to get hit by a truck going forwards, but they don't bother having a warning bleeper for that.

steve m - 12/6/12 at 09:12 PM

"That seems a bit strange to me , never realised that reverse warning sounders don't work at night.Presumably its ok to run someone over at night when it is harder to see them in the way?

+1 , i was thinking the same!

coyoteboy - 13/6/12 at 01:48 PM

Cant recommend a relay for you, 24v ones must exist somewhere and I'm assuming you have an all-24v system on the truck, so here's your diagram...excuse the use of paint!

Reverse beeper disconnect
Reverse beeper disconnect