posted on 15/2/06 at 03:29 PM |
Water temperture sender
Hello all.
My set up is Zetec engine and Mega squirt.
I have Greengauges dials.
My question is I intend to fit an electric fan to the radiator and would like to feed this from one of the senders in the water system I have two
senders in the thermostate housing. ( see picture)
Am I correct that the top sender is for the radiator fan control and the bottom one is for the temperture reading on the Gauge .
Or would I be better off buying an after market thermo switch?
Doe's the Mega squirt need to connect to a water temp sender?
[Edited on 15/2/06 by piddy]
![](/galpreviews/a325692-1.jpg) ![Rescued attachment 1.jpg](/gallery/a325692-1.jpg) Rescued attachment 1.jpg
posted on 15/2/06 at 03:34 PM |
Second picture.
![](/galpreviews/a325696-2.jpg) ![Rescued attachment 2.jpg](/gallery/a325696-2.jpg) Rescued attachment 2.jpg
posted on 15/2/06 at 03:39 PM |
On my pinto the fan sensor on rad is near to the top of the rad (Micra) and the engine sensor that sends signal to DD2 is on the block just below
Fan kicks in when gauge reads 95deg.
The sensor at top of your pic looks very similar to my fan switch.
Does this help?
posted on 15/2/06 at 03:46 PM |
The top one is the one the ECM looks at I believe.The other I think is the temp gauge one.
posted on 15/2/06 at 04:13 PM |
You need to trigger the fan from a rad switch or inline stat in the pipe from the thermostat housing. Your radiator will only circulate water when the
thermostat opens so the fan only needs to run under these conditions.
If you trigger the fan from the engine temeprature, then it will be running when it is not necessary.
[Edited on 15/2/06 by nitram38]
posted on 15/2/06 at 05:42 PM |
Thank chaps.
If I use the top one for the rad fan and the bottom one for the gauge readings.
What does the ECU use to read? Can it share one of the other senders?
posted on 15/2/06 at 06:10 PM |
I'm pretty sure you can't share a temp sender. Usually you get an approved sender with the electronic dashes (like my Evodash) which means
trying to find the inevitable adaptor. btw your block thread is 3/8"npt .
I've got FOUR temp senders - one each for the ecu, Evodash & EWP Water pump controller - I've also got one on the Golf rad which
suprisingly I am not using
When thinking outside the box doesn't work any more, it's time to build a new box
posted on 15/2/06 at 08:41 PM |
standard top sensor is no good for fan switch you need to replace this with a new sensor for the fan. on zetecs operates fan at 92 deg you can get
these from ETB as a direct replacment.
posted on 16/2/06 at 12:05 AM |
Neither is a fan switch. One is for the dash, and the other for the ECU.
Senders can't be normally be shared.
Best bet would be to either
- Fit a rad which will accept a fan switch (polo?)
- Fit an in-line converter into the top rad hose
- Use one of the outputs from the MS to switch a fan relay
I've gone for a mixture my Fury - mechanical switch in the rad, but also connected to an ECU outut.
posted on 16/2/06 at 12:11 AM |
Here you go....
But you need to be running MSnS-E code...
posted on 16/2/06 at 12:19 AM |
BTW you may find it useful to put some jubillee clips on those hoses!!!