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Battery Question
r1_pete - 5/10/08 at 04:41 PM

I'm laying my electrics out and want to get as far as possible before buying the battery, I need a type 063, but when I look at it from the top as per the pic, which is the positive terminal?

Pete Rescued attachment Battery.jpg
Rescued attachment Battery.jpg

gingerprince - 5/10/08 at 04:44 PM

Assuming that's the standard sierra battery, then on mine the +ve would be to the right of your diagram. My terminals are nearest the scuttle and the +ve is towards the centre of the car.

eznfrank - 5/10/08 at 05:24 PM

I've just bought a 063 for the Alfa tintop and it is as described above. +ve on the right.

What engine you using? I think I'd try get away with something a bit smaller, they are pretty big.

r1_pete - 5/10/08 at 06:03 PM

Thanks guys, its for an MGB, the 063 will fit in one of the 6v battery mounts under the back seat, was just lining up the leads, engine is a 1.8 black zetec.