I need to sort out getting an oil pressure gauge/sender onto my R1 i've got the correct (hopfully) adapter to get the nptt thread from the oil
what have people done about a flexi pipe, looks like £20 on ebay sounds very ££
Also any recomendations for gauge and sender that won't break the bank
Thanks Rick
is the thread on the original sender not M10 x1mm pitch ? not npt or bsp ! I need an addaptor for mine (Honda st1100 pan engine) Oilpressure guage from sunpro cost £5 from the kitcar show , but check halfords as cost may be cheaper than ebay with postage!
I must admit on mine I just used an adaptor without a flexi pipe. Maybe I'm tempting fate, maybe I'm lucky that the ST doesn't rev so high.... but no problems so far...
I've now just drilled and tapped the engine next to the original oil pressure sender !
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