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Does this site work for anyone?
JoelP - 18/11/03 at 11:10 AM

this site:

sounds bloody useful but the writing goes off the side of the screen by a few inches and there is no scroll bar to wind it across. Anyone know what setting you have to change to make it work? to read the script you can do right click/ view source, just a bit of an arse sifting thru the html tags...

i think its the table at the top thats bummed it....

[Edited on 18/11/03 by JoelP]

ned - 18/11/03 at 11:14 AM

goes off the screen on my 17" tft, 1280x1024. Bad web design i'd say.


JoelP - 18/11/03 at 11:19 AM

i can save the source to notepad, and maybe remove the table, but does anyone know how to view it as a web page once it is modified? cant get IE to open it properly, just leaves it as a marked-up script...

all his other pages work so i guess its an oversite!!

[Edited on 18/11/03 by JoelP]

GO - 18/11/03 at 11:25 AM


Its the way he's specified the widths of the cells in the table - he's used a mix of %'s and fixed pixel widths - bad news.

I've doctored and saved it, just trying to work out the best way of posting it for you!

JoelP - 18/11/03 at 11:40 AM

thanks Go! is it small enough to email? someone should tell the poor chap his site is awry, i saved that link bloody ages ago and no ones told him yet!!!

ps i've saved a copy of the script without the table, how can i view it as a page again? wouldnt believe i did my degree project on designing a web page would you!!!!

[Edited on 18/11/03 by JoelP]

timf - 18/11/03 at 12:51 PM

try this

Hellfire - 18/11/03 at 01:01 PM

but then I have a got a 1600 x 1200 resolution with widgets in to link across to another screen which the bradford EMAX - you rotten lot!!!

JoelP - 18/11/03 at 02:06 PM

nice one, thanks to all who helped. Saves me doing a BTTT on that other thread!!

GO - 18/11/03 at 02:12 PM

nice one timf, how did you attach it? I tried uploading to photo archive but it only lets you upload files with image file extensions (jpg, gif, etc).

timf - 18/11/03 at 02:38 PM

post as an attachment to the message

GO - 18/11/03 at 03:33 PM

must be spending too much time alone, you know the saying... it makes you blind!!

left myself wide open there...

where's the attachment wotsit???

timf - 18/11/03 at 03:57 PM

look here Rescued attachment att.jpg
Rescued attachment att.jpg

GO - 18/11/03 at 04:33 PM

nice, cant miss it really can you!

blueshift - 18/11/03 at 04:45 PM

The original site works perfectly in mozilla.. though I see what you are on about, in IE it's all kinds of screwed

VinceGledhill - 18/11/03 at 04:52 PM

Doesn't work on mine.

21" 1200 x 1600.

Even on a resolution of 1792 x 1344 it still doesn't fit in I.E.

JoelP - 18/11/03 at 05:27 PM

an unfortunate oversite seeing as the site has some very useful pointers! Ah well, all sorted now!!

pigeondave - 9/9/22 at 10:09 AM

Is this the correct bit of the site which this thread was looking for?

Or is there a better wiring resource?

Anyone know of a site which will allow me to draw my own diagram?

[Edited on 9/9/22 by pigeondave]

scudderfish - 9/9/22 at 07:14 PM

I've created a pdf of that page