I'm a bit confused (aside from the confusion I am getting therapy for)...
Does the fan switch short to earth to switch on the fan ie: +ve wire into motor and wire out of motor to switch which makes the circuit when the
switch switches and connects to earth ???
Pat - if u r using the original Rad and switch can't you just connect same as diagram... you have got a wiring diagram I take it?
You can always test it with a PP9 (9V Battery) in case you dont wanna connect to big mother first... a PP9 does turn the fan but obviously not fast!
IIRC the blade rad has two electric feeds one from perm + the other from Ignition + that way it allows rad cooling after engine off...
[Edited on 25-3-07 by Hellfire]
exactly right Pat ignition feed to motor,motor to switch and switch to earth
Yep - got some conflicting diagrams as well.
This is how it is now (I'm almost 99.9% sure) - gonna check with a battery in a mo.
Rescued attachment now.JPG
Is this how I would wire in an overide switch:
Rescued attachment dash.JPG
yep that will work just make sure the switch is adequate for the current draw of the motor