well collecting parts for my build which is gona start in summer....
i really like the 00~03 toyota mr2 dials...pic attached...
what you guys think is it gona fit ok and look ok????
Rescued attachment 7310d11d-c610-49fa-a89b-60bdf7370088_2.jpg
They look quite good... depends on the dash as to whether they will fit, and you may have problems with the eyebrows. Did you get/can you get senders to match?
Can't see any reason why not....you might have to be a bit "creative" to make them look right though. Its possible to make pretty much any dial work with any sender with a bit of inginuity! They're pretty much all only variable resistors anyway! Remember some of the functions obviously won't be used on the 7 such as ABS (unless your a flash g*t!)....Oli.
Look good if you can mount them in a dash nicely. Have a few too many warning lights for a 7 'door' being rather ironic Matching
senders will be needed. If you can get them behind the wheel sensibly the lips shouldn't be a problem.
On a separate note, does anyone every actually use a rev counter? For road driving I don't care about revs, on the track rev lights are useful,
but if you're looking at a rev counter you probably aren't concentrating enough on road position.
well i can arrange the senders for them... as oliwb said they are basically variable resistors or any type of pulse input...
well thanks for the replies so i think i should go for them, and about the rev counter, i wont be using my locost on track as they aren't any in
my country, my car will be a sort of daily runner, and there are drags organized here on closed of roads, so in a drag i think i can look at the
tachometer shift...