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HELP - Escort Loom Advice
The Doc - 23/9/06 at 07:08 PM

When I thought I was going to wire the Escort loom to a sierra steering column I poked the terminals out of one of the blocks. Now I have been advised (thanks guys!) that I can mount the Escort stalks on to the Sierra column, I need to put them back. You've guessed it! I don't know which holes to put them back into. It dosn't tell you this in the diagram.

Can anyone help? The attached image is of the back of the 8 terminal block. I have seven wires.

Fat Red
Thin Red
Fat Yellow and Brown
Thin Yellow and Brown
Green and Black
Black and White

How many times and in how many ways do I need to say I am a plonker?

Mike Rescued attachment Terminal Block.jpg
Rescued attachment Terminal Block.jpg

The Doc - 23/9/06 at 07:17 PM

I forgot to say, its from a MK 2 Ghia



Fozzie - 23/9/06 at 09:28 PM

Mike, any idea if this is the indicators, lights or wipers?.... just to give me and idea of course!


The Doc - 23/9/06 at 09:41 PM

Hi Fozzie,
It goes to the twin stalk unit, which has on it the light switch and the wipers. I will have to suss out which this is.

The other block has less wires. I'll check the colours with the wiring diag tomorrow. At least it tells us that, but not their positions in the block. I've a hunch this is lights, but I'll have to check

Fozzie - 23/9/06 at 10:17 PM


Mine might be different to yours as my donor was a GL, also, half of my loom was in 'English' colours, the other half was in 'Continental' colours, which led to a lot of hair pulling....

Have you got a Haynes manual by chance?
I need to know before I can explain further..


The Doc - 23/9/06 at 11:32 PM

Yes I have the Haynes manual but the text on the diagram is so small that I literally have to use a magnifying glass to see it! I think it must have been reduced from a much larger original.

It is useable however.


Fozzie - 23/9/06 at 11:46 PM

Okee dokee, well, in that case, some of your wire colours don't correspond with what is written! Same problems that I had
There are numbers located on the back of the switch. You will need your magnifying glass to see them, when you do locate them perhaps highlight them with a wax crayon?
This is what the Haynes manual says for your model:-

Light Switch

58K Grey
S54 White/Black
15 Red
30 Red... Doesnt matter which as believe its a common feed

Wiper Switch

53c Brown/Yellow & Brown/Yellow
31B Blue/Brown
54 Black/Violet
53B Red (from Wiper Motor)
53 Green

However, not all the colours of your wires correspond with the manual (as mine didnt) with great reluctance, I suppose my cowl will have to come off to have a look-see......but, sorry Mike, it will have to wait until much later this morning...


The Doc - 24/9/06 at 05:54 AM

Hi Fozzie,
I had to hit the sack as I could no longer focus!

I'll check out the diagram a bit later and get back.

Thanks for all your help on this


The Doc - 24/9/06 at 03:39 PM

I checked out the switch numbers etc and I see what you mean. The above makes sense but as you say the other colours are not as shown. Also on the diagram I havethe numbering looks different.

However on that page of the book it does say GL/Ghia (Lighting) so any help you can give.........

However I do now have the stalks mounted - less fiddly than I expected!

Fozzie - 24/9/06 at 05:33 PM

Oh dear....... I was very much hoping your wiring would be 'as manual'.......

Having offered to take off the was late and not thinking that straight..... It would be of no use to you whatsoever, as I have changed each stalk to perform a different function (thats where the modicum of ingenuity, talked of earlier came in).......

It was 3 years ago that this was done on my car, but I am 'sure' that I remember that the blocks aren't function specific, that is, one block doesn't do just wipers, and the other just do headlights, they are interlinked.

Also tiredness talking last night again, I said my donor was a GL.....not so, it was an 'L'...

Mike, I feel at a loss to help anymore, perhaps theres and 'old school' auto sparkie somewhere here that could explain the differing wire colours, or....better still, has a donor MK2 with the block/wires still in situ.

I am so sorry....please let me know how you get on...

ATB Fozzie

The Doc - 24/9/06 at 06:12 PM

Thanks Fozzie, It's still been a great help
