where and how have people put theres, i have a oddessy 680, small battery was going to cut a hole in scuttle and drop it into passenger foot well but
wasnt sure how to keep it in place!?
oh and its in a vortx
Make a box.
Imagine a cross of ally the same dims as the battery, fold up the sides, then fold back to form a return egde, this sits through the scuttle. Tig up
the sides or PU some angle over them.
Make a box.
Imagine a cross of ally the same dims as the battery, fold up the sides, then fold back to form a return egde, this sits through the scuttle. Tig up the sides or PU some angle over them.
give a list of bits you do have then to make things a little easier
I have done exactly this with my pc625 but sunk it 4" into the area above the gearbox in the centre of the scuttle tray panel.
engine bay wiring
ps my battery box was made from ally simply from a cube style net, then folded round some 4x2 and rivetted carefully in a couple of the corners. not
very difficult at all. get a bit of ally from a diy store and give it a go. can easily be done without a tig.
pps its a tight fit in teh box but will be bending up a strip of ally to go over teh top to retain the battery. the box is rivnutted to the ally panel
it sits in.
[Edited on 9/4/06 by ned]
Oooh nice idea
I'm going to copy that (at least I'm honest)
Ned - nice build so far mate See you've been shopping at ThinkAuto
MOCAL bits everywhere
Originally posted by muzchap
See you've been shopping at ThinkAutoMOCAL bits everywhere
cheers ill give that a try!?!
couple more pics for ya:
Take a look at this pics off my build...