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Fog light switch
piddy - 14/3/06 at 11:06 PM

Does the fog light switch have to have a symbol on it? For SVA or can one of these be used. Rescued attachment dotswitch.jpg
Rescued attachment dotswitch.jpg

piddy - 14/3/06 at 11:07 PM

Or one of these Rescued attachment GroupImage4.gif
Rescued attachment GroupImage4.gif

flak monkey - 14/3/06 at 11:13 PM

No symbol needed, just a tell tale light.


muzchap - 14/3/06 at 11:14 PM

According to the manual - as long as there is sufficient notification to the driver then any switch is fine.

So if the switch lights up when the fog light is on - I'm assuming it will be fine.

If you can - for SVA - put a bit of card and write FOG LIGHT on it - then put some sellotape over it...

If it falls off on the way home from the passed SVA ---- oh dear :-(

emsfactory - 15/3/06 at 12:42 AM

Originally posted by muzchap
According to the manual - as long as there is sufficient notification to the driver then any switch is fine.

So if the switch lights up when the fog light is on - I'm assuming it will be fine.

If you can - for SVA - put a bit of card and write FOG LIGHT on it - then put some sellotape over it...

If it falls off on the way home from the passed SVA ---- oh dear :-(

I did this! wrote on isulating tape with pen. On the first fail sheet I was asked to provide proper symbols. Bought a couple of sheets from a mail order electrical place. Cant mind the name. Cost a quid for about 100 symbols and different words.