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Alternator mount
jos - 1/8/05 at 02:33 PM

Having found that the standard pinto alternator clashes with the steering rack I am now on the search for a smaller alternator and have searched the archives for alternatives such as vitara, mazda 323 etc.

Has anyone got any experience of fabricating mounts for alternative alternators to suit a pinto block and will the replacement need to be modified to accept the old belt?

stevebubs - 1/8/05 at 02:37 PM

IIRC Daiwoo (sp? - now Chevy) Matiz alternators are popular alternatives

Fred W B - 1/8/05 at 03:07 PM

This is how i relocated an alternator on a RV8. Might give you some ideas


Fred WB

engine front view
engine front view

nick205 - 1/8/05 at 03:38 PM


What is the inlet/outlet ipe on the frontof the engine?

Is it a re-positioning of the coolant in/oulet?

Looks good whatever it is


DarrenW - 1/8/05 at 03:38 PM


I had exactly same problem. Mine is the setup as yours. mac#1 supplied me with second hand Micra alternator and the suitable new brackets for a small fee. All i had to source was an alternator belt which from memory was a Halfords HB850.


piddy - 1/8/05 at 05:36 PM

Hi some pictures of my bracket,this raises the alternator well over the steering shaft. Rescued attachment 1a.jpg
Rescued attachment 1a.jpg

piddy - 1/8/05 at 05:37 PM

And another Rescued attachment 1b.jpg
Rescued attachment 1b.jpg

piddy - 1/8/05 at 05:37 PM

And another Rescued attachment 1c.jpg
Rescued attachment 1c.jpg

piddy - 1/8/05 at 05:37 PM

And another Rescued attachment 1d.jpg
Rescued attachment 1d.jpg

big_wasa - 1/8/05 at 06:18 PM

this is how I did mine for the zetec.

niceperson709 - 2/8/05 at 03:11 AM

you can of course put the alternator on the other side of the engine which may be easier and will make no difference to the operation of the alternator Rescued attachment alt70.jpg
Rescued attachment alt70.jpg

jos - 2/8/05 at 07:20 AM

Does the dizzy not get in the way and are the mounts already there??

DarrenW - 2/8/05 at 08:29 AM

I would strongly recommend you calling Mark for the quick simple fix. i got my parts off him and they fitted very easily and solved the problem nicely.

Fred W B - 2/8/05 at 08:38 AM


What is the inlet/outlet ipe on the frontof the engine?

Is it a re-positioning of the coolant in/oulet?

Looks good whatever it is


Hi Nick

Yes, it's for coolant. I have removed the waterpump and will run a Davis Craig electric one


Fred WB

Benzine - 2/8/05 at 06:20 PM

I recieved my pinto braket from MAC#1 today. I sent off my Bedford Rascal alternator and they made one up:

[thread hijack] Mine, however doesn't fit properly

The alternator is sitting too low and it hits the chassis (shown in pic) There are 2 reasons I can think of, either the 2 brakets welded on to the main part are upside down and should be facing up (shown in red - I have held the alternator up where this would be and it fits) or my engine is mounted too low (i'm just using standard MK pinto mounts though)
would work for you

[/thread hijack]

jos - 3/8/05 at 07:32 AM

I will be very interested to see a picture with the bracket inverted as you suggest.

jos - 3/8/05 at 07:33 AM

Where's the top bracket, does that need to be turned upside down also

Benzine - 3/8/05 at 08:16 AM

The main bracket i'm reffering to is the rectangular piece of metal. If that stayed the same, but the 2 pieces of metal that are welded onto it were turned 180 degrees (as shown in red on second picture) then it would fit. So at the moment I can't do that unless it's rewelded

john_p_b - 3/8/05 at 08:51 AM

BENZINE, that bracket is in effect upside down so you're right that the mountings do need changing over to point up rather than down.

it's almost identical to the one i made to mount my standard pinto alternator and that now fits inside the chassis without fouling anything. (just!)