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turn lense on left dip headlamps ?
givemethebighammer - 7/1/05 at 01:44 PM

I have some of the black 5 inch (ish) headlamp, from premier wiring. Trouble is they dip as if the car was a left hand drive. Someone here a while back said you could rotate the lense to change the dip to more of a right hand drive type ?

Peteff - 7/1/05 at 03:05 PM

I think Bob had problems though. Look at the lens from the front and turn the glass about 10mm to the left. There's a mark on the bezel and it says TOP on the glass so it's easy enough. I had to warm mine with a hairdryer to loosen it though.

bob - 7/1/05 at 03:30 PM

As pete said itdoes work but i had the nightmare of having my test examiner being examined by one of the boss men
so i had to replace with pukka ones.

They had passed already at the mitcham test centre but the top man didnt like them so they had to go sadly,the best bet is to do an mot with them and get them totally set up pre the test.

givemethebighammer - 7/1/05 at 08:03 PM

thanks, I had a good search through the forum and found this picture Pete posted ages ago. My lenses are held in from the back with metal spring clips so should not be a problem moving them.

thanks Rescued attachment headlight.jpg
Rescued attachment headlight.jpg